Chapter 63

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Suddenly every cell in my body ignited. I felt like I was literally on fire. He loved me? I thought he might of but after what he said about sex I doubted him. Or was this just another attempt to have sex with me?

My head was swarming with excuses as to why he said this. He couldn't love me? Could he?

"Aurora? You're not saying. Oh fuck, shit. Fucking shit. You're freaked out aren't you? I'm such a fucking..."

"No. I, um..." I couldn't speak, I was still breathless. My knees were shaking. If I weren't sitting on this bed right now, I'd be lying on the floor, unable to sustain my balance.

"What? You're what?" He was desperate. His eyes darted back and forth, trying to meet mine.

He was so nervous. God, I'm such an idiot. Why didn't I say something back? I was still caught off guard. Why was this affecting me so much? People told each other this all the time. It was a common saying, and yet when Harry said it my mouth dried and I grew weak. My stomach felt like it had a freaking hurricane inside, this was a lot more than just a few butterflies that most people claimed to have when it was said to them.

Was this how I was supposed to be feeling? I honestly couldn't feel any parts of my body, I was numb. What the hell?

"Aurora, please say something. I feel like a fucking idiot."

His raspy voice pulled me back from my mini mental breakdown.

"Oh, um, thank you."

Thank you? Did I really just say thank you after Harry just expressed his feelings for me?

His face fell and he got up. He turned around and started pacing.

Seconds of silence turned into minutes and minutes seemed like hours. He probably, no he definitely hated me.

I finally decided to say something before he ran off and no one would be able to find him.

"Harry? Say something. I'm really worried here. You're really quiet."

He spun around, but instead of the shaking body and red face I expected from his anger, he was smiling. His face had gone pale. And his smile was the usual dimply, happy smile. It was a small, emotionless smirk. He almost looked demonic. What the fuck is going on?

"Alright. It's alright. It's no big deal. Just grab your pants, and let's go."

He walked over to the hole in the wooden floor and crawled out.

I quickly pulled my pants back on and threw on his jacket and ran out.

I met him below and he was casually looking down at the ground as he leaned against the massive tree supporting the small home.


He was nice; too nice. This couldn't be good.

"Um, yeah. Are you o..."

"Fine. Just fine. I can take you home if you want, you probably want to be with your parents for your birthday."

This amount of kindness was starting to scare me. I followed him back to the house, not saying a word.


"Zayn said he can bring me home. It's fine." Amy told me from her spot on Zayn's lap on the massive leather couch in the living room. The fireplace was lit and Zayn's family was seated in chairs surrounding it. This place looked extremely different without all the random drunk couples and empty cups and bottles like the last time I was in here.

The family's attention turned from the TV set above the mantel over to me as they heard me speak.

"Leaving so soon?" Mrs. Malik asked calmly.

Peligro (A Harry Styles Fanfiction) INTENSE EDITING IN PROGRESSWhere stories live. Discover now