Chapter 98

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Harry's POV:

The service is short. Only about a half an hour at the church, and then a ten minute drive to the cemetery.

We watch as the coffin is lowered into the ground, and I realize the phrase "6 feet under" has real meaning.

We walk out of the grassed field and back to the car. Robin holds my mother has she cries softly to herself. Jay holds the hands of his children, while a large crowd follows.

I recognize most of these people from Gemma's school-days; friends she would bring home to hang out with, some of which I've managed to fuck and when those girls see me, they blush and turn away. Even at a funeral, I'm reminded of my perverted past.

Of fucking course.

I follow my mum and Robin back to the car. The walk is silent, the only sounds coming from the forest in the distance and the gentle crunching of frost beneath our feet. Snow is falling down in slow motion, setting a erie calm over the place.

"We're going straight to the restaurant, and then we're picking up your bags at the house and going to drop you off at the airport for your flight." Robin instructs as he looks both directions, checking for incoming traffic.


I was able to move my flight up to tonight. I had told my mum at the dinner table the other night that I wanted to hold off for a few more days, but she told me I should go. I'm already missing a shit ton of school work anyway.

I'm glad I'm going home early though. It's easier. That way I'll be home by Thursday afternoon, and I can see her Friday. My hands having been aching touch her, to feel her. To wrap them around her waist and lean down at just suck her in...

What the fuck? I'm fantasizing over the mere smell of this girl. I don't even fucking know what's wrong with me anymore. She's literally making me go mad.

I close my eyes, blocking out the world around me. I just want to go home. I want to see her. My thoughts drift off to where my beautiful girl again. I wonder what she's doing...

Auroras POV:

"And why exactly are you planning on meeting him again? You know this isn't going to end well." Amy tells me as I look through my closet. For once, I'm actually picking out my clothes while she sits and watches.

"I have to. Tom needs to know that I don't feel for him the way he obviously does for me, but I also need to apologize for leading him on. It's only fair."

I wait for her to respond, but when doesn't come, I turn back around.

I see her looking at my phone, wide-eyed.

"What are you,"

"What's this?" She asks while holding up the small phone to me. There is a picture of Matt smiling wide. He isn't doing much, so I don't see why it's that big of a deal.

"Nothing. I text him sometimes." I explain, not understanding why doing that is so wrong.

"Do you realize this guy is like, one of if not the biggest drug dealers in the school, right?"

What? Matt? No. That couldn't be...

"I really don't think that's true."

"Oh really? Harry used to use him you know. When you guys went through that big breakup, Zayn told me that he would go to some drive-in or something and get high. Zayn used to go sometimes too. I don't really like the fact that he followed him but..."

"Wait, Harry is still doing drugs?" He had told me he stopped a while ago. That doing them was part of his past in England that he didn't want to bring back.

Peligro (A Harry Styles Fanfiction) INTENSE EDITING IN PROGRESSWhere stories live. Discover now