Chapter 37

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I sat back and slumped down. My stomach was rock hard and it actually hurt. I had never eaten so much in my life.

"You ok? You like you're about to die or something." Harry laughed. He was leaning over the table and finishing whatever I had not ate, which was a lot.

"I didn't know such a small girl could eat so god damn much. I can't even eat that much." He mumbled through his blueberry-pancake filled mouth.

"Me either. I'm never eating again." I groaned. I looked down and my stomach was popping out. I looked four or five months pregnant.

'Stupid bitch, guess you forgot that too much food makes you bloated. Stupid, stupid, stupid.' My subconscious teased. I mentally stuck my tongue out at her and rubbed my stomach, trying to relieve some of the pain.

"Well, are you two getting dessert or will that be all?" Cara asked as she saw our plates.

"No, we're fine thank you. Just bring us a check." I answered. Harry looked disappointed that I answered for him, but I didn't care. I was just happy I would finally be going home.

"So, about the project.... You know we have to start working on it, right?" Harry asked rather cautiously. I rolled my eyes and looked at my phone.

"Like I said, I'll make something up. We don't have to work together..."

"But I want to." His words surprised me. I almost spit out the water I was sipping.

"Well I don't. Incase you forgot, I don't even want to be here. You dragged me." I tried to reply as calm and coldly as possible.

He was rubbing his neck again. Why did he always have to get so nervous around me?

"Ok, fine. We don't have to be friends. But I'm not letting you work on this alone. It's my project just as much as it is yours, and I deserve to contribute if I want to. Now, start talking."

"What do you mean start talking? What makes you think I can even trust you again after what you did to Luke tonight? First, you come to my date uninvited, and then beat the living shit out of Luke because why? He kissed me? How could you even think I would be able to trust you?" I didn't realize I was screaming now. I could feel the group of teenagers looking over at us.

"You just do. How can we ever be, if not friends, to be able to talk to each other civilly if you don't trust me? I won't tell anyone. The only people that will know anything, is me, you, and Mr. Lawrence." There was a weird truth in his eyes when he said this. I could feel myself being more and more comfortable with him again. I mean, maybe I should trust him? He deserved a good grade too.

"If I agree to this, what are the terms? And where do I start? From my birth?" The fact I was even possibly considering telling Harry my whole life story was a little scary, but I let it go.

"There are no terms. Just start from when you were born and go from there. I'm all ears." His dimples were showing again. God, even with all the bullshit he put me through, he did have a compassionate and caring side that I just couldn't resist.

"Ok, ok. I'll do it. But you have to promise not to tell anyone about this. That we even met here. No one can know this ever happened. Ok?"

He nodded his head, and I started off.

"Well, back when I was a baby..."

Peligro (A Harry Styles Fanfiction) INTENSE EDITING IN PROGRESSOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora