Chapter 83

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The band ends a song that they said is a cover of the Blink-182 song "I Miss You." It was a slow song. I craze Harry's arms around me as the rest of the room sways softly to the song. It's an amazing song. I've never really listened to Blink-182 but I guess I'm going to have to.

I feel an arm slip around my waist and I jump.

"Relax baby, it's me." I hear Harry say close to my ear.

Thank god. After everything that happened tonight, I cannot manage anymore unknown men touching me. Any unknown men even near me actually.

He spins me around to him so I can face him.

"Dance with me." I tell him.

I expect him to resist me, but instead, he just relaxes and my pulls my back so I can rest my head against his chest. His heart beats softly as he chest rises and falls with each breath. Luke's band is still playing a slow song, this one is named something about being next to or beside someone. I don't know. I wasn't really paying attention.

"I didn't realize that prick actually leads in a band. And I give him credit for those jeans and that tank. And the beanie. He actually looks remotely decent. A little gay, but good."

I look up at my boyfriend, who is staring at the band. His eyes watch as Luke's fingers switch up and down the guitar neck, attaining the new chords. He doesn't seem to be annoyed with him, actually, he seems more intrigued. Like he's actually enjoying this.

Awh. There's my big music nerd.

I hug his waist tighter and he looks down.


I shake my head and he returns his attention back at the band.

The song ends and Calum tells us that they will be taking a short break, but they should be back in ten minutes.

The crowd starts talking and Harry lets go on me.

"Let's go talk to them. I wanna see what type of bass that guy has." Harry says and I am shocked. Then again, the fact he is not tackling Luke just for being in his home is still amazing.

We reach the boys and Luke sees me and smiles.

"Stay near me." Harry tells me when he sees Luke eyeing me.


Harry walks over to Calum and I wait behind him.

"So, Aurora," a hand touches my shoulder and I snap around.

"You ok?" Luke asks.

He looks much different in his outfit. His normally slicked back hair was a soft, ruffled mess underneath a black beanie. He has a loose tank on with a pair of faded jeans and marion converse high-tops. He looks like one of those tumblr boys. I am beyond impressed.

"Oh, um, yeah... Since when were you in a band?" My voice is really scratchy from having to speak so loudly over the music.

"Yeah. We made this in like 7th grade. Zayn saw us at some party we played at and asked us to play tonight. Surprised?" He twirled his pick between his fingers.

"A little." I blushed. He honestly does look really good. I hope Harry doesn't notice my gawking. Two fights from him and one from me has been enough for both of us for a very long time.

"Are we any good? I try to have us practice like once a week, but Calum and Ashton both take all honors classes at the school I used to go to. They barely have time for anything. And my brother Michael is a senior so he's always at parties, you know. Some of the gigs we got were through his friends from party's."

Peligro (A Harry Styles Fanfiction) INTENSE EDITING IN PROGRESSOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant