- - - - -

"You called Matt." I smiled laying across the sofa from Lily later that night with Violet asleep between us both. She looked a bit confused at the situation. "You called Matt today when I was talking to Dan." I mumbled glancing at Violet.

"I know you said you can fight you're own battles but I'm scared you won't be able to and he was the first person I could think of. Well that's a lie, I thought Richard but then I knew you probably didn't want him turning up." Lily laughed.

"No, I would not want that." I hummed.

- - - - -

"Right so today you get spend the afternoon with Lily. Yay." I told Violet as I put her jacket on her and knelt down so I was face to face with her.

"Why?" She sang.

"Because, little one, I have work but Lily is going to bring you to my fashion show tonight alright? You'll get to sit with Lily and watch pretty dresses and if you're lucky I'll get Lily to get you a McDonald's before you go. Yeah?" I smiled at her.

"Yeah yeah!" She chanted jumping up and down.

"Now give me a hug." I smiled as she latched her arms around my neck and I stood up holding her on my hip. "And a kiss?" I asked then she suddenly planted a kiss to my cheek and giggled.

"Hey v." Lily said taking her from me as I ran off to get my things from the other room before leaving to get a bus. "You and I are going to have such a fun afternoon." Lily bounced Violet on her hip.

"So, I've gotta run but I'll see you at 5ish." I smiled checking I had everything I needed.

"We'll be there." Lily smiled. "Won't we, V?" She bounced her on her hip. I smiled at Violet before waving at her.

"See you soon little one." I waved opening the door. "Oh and Lily thank you for looking after her." I said quickly as I saw her smile at me and I left in a bit of a rush.

"hey, hey hey where you going?" Matt bumped into me in the corridor.

"Got my show." I continued to walk in the opposite direction to him. "Gunna miss my bus bye." I kissed him quickly before walking away faster.

"Let me drive you." He grabbed my arm.

- - - - -

"Are we ever going to speak about what happened yesterday?" Matt asked looking over at me in the car.

"I have nothing to say." I shook my head.

"Alright, let me know when you're ready for a grown up conversation about this." Matt grumbled unfairly. I didn't want to speak about what happened as every time I even thought about it I got insanely angry.

"Where were you going?" I asked him suddenly.


"When I bumped into you. Where were you going?" I asked again.

"To meet Lily and Violet. She asked me to join them for your show as she didn't want to go on her own. It's been a while she had to take care of a child." Matt said slowly.

"Ah and she called you." I smiled.

"Yeah." Matt laughed. "Is that a problem?"

"Nope. Just since when did you two become so buddy buddy?" I questioned him.

"We haven't. She asked for a favour and I'm supplying it. She's still a friend, we both know that." Matt told me a bit freaked.

"Oh I know, Im just--"


"Curious." I spoke over him. "I thought you two ended badly. I don't speak to Richard since he told me that it was over between me and him. It was a bad break up, I cried in front of him. People don't speak after break ups like that." I rambled on.

"You're sure are cute when you're jealous." Matt smiled as we pulled up into the car park.

"I am not jealous. Go have fun with Lily and Violet. I'll see you at 5." I laughed kissing him before getting out of the car and slamming the door walking off to my dressing room.

In Omnia Paratus (AU) - Book 2Where stories live. Discover now