"I have no doubt that she's a nice girl all I'm saying is she has her--"

"Guys leave it alone don't have a bitch fight over this." Matt interrupted Lily rudely probably fed up with her like I was. I'm glad he did because I'm not up for making a scene in the canteen.

- - - - -

"You really think Molly is fake?" I asked once we'd left Matt in the canteen and we went back to our dorm before I had to go to work and Lily was coming with me.

"I don't know if she's fake but why would she suddenly change her mind and start playing nice with you? Has something happened recently?" Lily asked collecting her things and putting them in her bag.

"Well there was that thing with Richard last week after that awful club. But he wouldn't talk about me to her. Would he?" I asked a confused as I grabbed the last few things I needed, like my phone and keys and headed towards the door.

"I guess she could be digging for information?" Lily shrugged as she joined me by the door and soon the both of us where on our way off campus and to Matt's car. Who said we could borrow it tonight.

"She seems too nice-- I don't know." I mumbled stepping in the car and glancing across at Lily as I strapped myself in.

"I hate to say it but maybe she is this rare species of seniors that are nice." Lily laughed.

- - - - -

"So what is it you do exactly while you're here?" Lily asked as I walked into the building at the agency scanning my ID card to get in and then letting Lily in with me. "Do you do like photo shoots everyday?" She asked excitedly

"Well for starters I'm not here everyday and uh I only do shoots about 6 times a month they aren't that common for me as I'm still fairly new." I smiled heading to the lift and then holding the door for Lily as she followed behind me. "We do a lot of just trying on clothes, working with them and then once we're finished we do the photo shoots." I explained.

"How about the shows?"

"The fashions shows are about once a month, twice if you're unlucky. They're stressful and I'm put with a load of models who are way more experienced and way more prettier than me." I laughed walking into the office/changing room that has my name on.

"Jen," Lewis said greeting me as I walked through the door "Who's you're friend?" He smiled looking over at Lily.

"That's Lily she's come to see what happens whilst I'm here." I smiled back at him sitting down in my chair in front of the mirror and dumping my bag down. I spun around in my chair seeing Lily sat down just next to me.

"Ah well she's come on a good day eh? The shoots tonight at 8:30pm." Lewis said glancing at his watch and suddenly realising the time. "And it's 8:15 we need to hurry." He laughed turning on the spot to go and fetch someone to do my hair and makeup.

"This is weird, don't you think this is weird?" Lily laughed as he left the room.

"Well not anymore but when I started it was very weird." I smiled hoping this wasn't too boring for her because I felt like I just bragging about my job and actually she said she wanted to come and see what happens here.

They did my hair and they did my make up ready for 8:30 and all I had to do was slip the first dress on and head out to the studio. I was a little nervous having Lily sat there with Lewis watching me but I between shots when they changed my hair and outfit we chatted about what I was wearing and stuff and I felt a bit more relaxed when she said she was enjoying it.

I feel like such a poser when I'm doing shoots but it was what I was told to do when I started and I don't think I'm bad at it really.

I did enjoy shoots like this as well because it was a candid sort of shoot where Lewis would have to make me laugh and the camera would like catch it as if I didn't notice and weird things like that. It seems silly to talk about but it's so much fun.

"I got to say I didn't like you doing all this modelling stuff but now...I see why you like it." Lily said to me as we walked back to my dressing room to get changed back into my normal clothes and normal hair.

"I'm glad you like it, I haven't shown anyone this place. All the other girls bring they're friends along to watch shows but I always felt weird asking, but there's a show at the end of month that I think you should come see." I glanced at Lily hopefully.

"I'd love to come, how about Lucy and Olivia come too?" She asked begging me.

"Yes, fine I'll talk to Lewis--"

"Talk to me about what?" He interrupted as we were about to leave.

"A bunch a tickets to the next show." I smiled.

"I can definitely arrange that for my Miss Coleman." He laughed before I thanked him and we headed out and towards the car wanting to get home and just crash because we were so tired. Even though we went home and just binged watched The arrow until our eyeballs fell out.

In Omnia Paratus (AU) - Book 2Where stories live. Discover now