Rocky Imagine

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You were packed, all ready to go meet your boyfriend Rocky on the R5 tour. You grabbed your bags, placing them all in the car. You went to the airport, ready to go. It took a few hours to get there, but you were so relieved when you touched down. You were searching the crowd, trying to find Rocky. You finally saw him, and it looked like he was searching for you too. “Rocky!” you yelled, running over to him. He saw you, and ran towards you, then picking you up. He hugged you so tight, and spun you around. He had the biggest smile on his face, “I’ve missed you so much Jen,” he whispered into your ear. “I missed you too! I’m so glad I get to finally see you!” you squealed. 

You and Rocky finally left the airport, and drove out to the venue he was playing at today. He put your bags into the tour bus, and led you inside the building. He took you to the dressing rooms, which were huge! There was another room nearby which was mostly empty, and looked like a dance studio. Stormie saw you, and pulled you into a tight hug. “I’m so glad you could come!” she said excited. “Thanks, me too! I’m so happy!” you said honestly. You took turns, saying hello to all the boys, and then Rydel. It wasn’t time for them to get ready yet, so Rocky took you to the empty dance studio.

He took a seat on the floor, motioning you to sit with him. You sat beside him, your legs propped up on his lap. You leaned onto him, snuggling. He then put his arms around your shoulders, leaning his head on yours. You looked up at him, noticing the smile on his face. You smiled back, just so happy being with him. “This is great. I love being with you Rocky,” you mumbled. “I’ve been waiting for this forever,” he replied. “You have?” you asked him curiously. “Of course! I’ve been counting down every single day that I’ve been gone,” he said honestly. You leaned up, kissing him. You heard the boys walk in, interrupting your make out. “Save that for later!” Ryland said to him. “Haha, very funny,” he replied laughing. 

Ross was now running around the studio, and then the rest of the boys followed. Rocky looked over to you, “Go, I know you want to go play too,” you teased him. He kissed your forehead, then jumped up. He outstretched his arm, waiting for you to get up. “Here, get on my back,” he said. “No, go run with them,” you said giggling. “I guess I have no choice then,” he said. “What do you mea- Nooo!” you screamed as Rocky picked you up, placing you on his shoulder. You were laughing uncontrollably, and everyone started laughing too. It was pretty contagious. You smacked his butt, “Hey!” he shouted. “Put me down!” you laughed. “No way!” he screamed. You smacked him again, waiting for him to put you down. “Doesn’t both me,” he smirked. You laughed harder than you did last time, almost knocking the air out of your lungs. 

Your fun times in the studio was interrupted once again.  This time is was Stormie, telling everyone to start getting ready. This was your Que to go fine Rydel, since she already finished, and she was going to help you get ready. She finished your hair and makeup, while picking out an outfit Rocky would like. Pretty soon, it was time for them to perform. 


Rocky came off stage, dripping in sweat. He tried hugging you, but you pulled back. “No way! Not until your dry!” you said giggling. “Why not? You don’t like me like this?” he said gesturing to all the sweat on his shirt. You laughed, pulling him with you backstage. Rocky got cleaned up, and took you to retrieve your bags. They were playing the same venue tomorrow, so Rocky decided to take you to a hotel tonight. When you got there, Rocky sat with you on the bed. “I’ve got a surprise!” he said to you. “What? Why? Did I miss a holiday or something?” you said with a laugh. “No, I just thought you would like it,” he replied back. He went through his bag, pulling out a card. He handed it to you, and you opened it. “Oh my god! How did you know I wanted these!” you shouted excitedly. You looked down again, to the warped tour tickets that were in the card. “You talk about it all the time,” he said as if it were obvious. You practically jumped on his lap, kissing him. You pulled back for air, “Thank you so much,” you whispered. “No problem. I would do anything to make you happy Jenny. I love you, and I’m so glad that your here,” he said, resuming the kiss. 

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