"Hey uh, Matt why is your roommate sat all alone?" I asked settling into my seat next to Lily and glaring at Matt like he'd done something wrong.

"I don't know, waiting for friends I guess." He muttered.

"Are you sure? He looks pretty lonely to me." I raised my eyebrows at him. "Lily back me up."

"I agree with whatever Jenna is saying." Lily rolled off the tongue.

"Hey come on." Matt moaned.

"Any chance to win a fight against you, I'm happy to take sides with." Lily shrugged her shoulders glancing at Matt smirking as he shook his head in disapproval.

"I'm going to talk to him." I stated glancing at Tom sat on his own.

"No, Jenna...he probably just wants to be on his own. Look we don't do this, we don't confront people." Matt grabbed my hand as I went to stand up.

"He's right Jen." Lily widened her eyes. "I hate to agree with him but populars do not go around to losers and start inviting them to sit with us. It just...doesn't happen."

"Well I'm not popular so it doesn't mean anything." I laughed shaking Matt's hand off of me and walking over to Tom.

"Tom, hi." I mumbled sitting down opposite him starting the awkward conversation we were about to have. But I wasn't worried, I don't like people being lonely.

- - - - -

"She totally likes him." Olivia blurted out glancing at Jenna talking to Tom. Matt dismissed this comment as he knew that the girls talked bullshit and if they knew him and Jenna were together they wouldn't dare say that.

"Yep." Lily agreed suddenly, which caught Matt's attention.

"What? Really?" Matt laughed. "He's not exactly Channing Tatum and He's not even popular." He scoffed jealously.

"She did just dump her 20 year old boyfriend and is probably on the rebound. I doubt it would last anyway. Whoever she gets with now won't last a month." Lily smirked.

"I don't think she likes Tom." Matt folded his arms.

"Hello this is Jenna we're talking about. The one who doesn't think she's popular and doesn't care if other people aren't. Just like her friend Marty. She totally fancied that guy." Lucy told Lily, Olivia and Matt.

"Yeah yeah." Lily smiled.

"Guys Tom is going to sit with us." I smiled pointing to the seat opposite me and next to Matt for him to sit in.

"Hey." He greeted everyone. They all mumbled their greetings and smiled welcomingly. I felt bad for him, the dinner was awkward and weird. I liked Tom and he was going to have put up with me as I knew I'd be spending much more time at Matt's now but the group weren't very excepting of him.

- - - - -

"Could you not." Lily moaned as I unplugged her phone and put mine on charge. "It's not finished and I'm going out later tonight I need it charged." She explained tiredly.

"Where are you going?" I asked curiously plugging her phone back in with a sigh.

"A..club." Lily flinched as she said it. "Please come, I know you said you didn't want to go out but it's so much better when my best friend is there." Lily begged me suddenly.

"I told you lil, I just don't do clubs. Not since the incident last year and especially not since Maisie." I explained making her feel slightly guilty.

"Those guys apologised. What happened last year was nothing, I still talk to them now and we laugh about that stupid fight we had." Lily laughed following me into my room as I walked away from the conversation angrily.

"I don't like being beat up Lily. I'm not having this argument with you again, it happens every time you want to go to that club. They attacked you and when I came to the rescue they attacked me. They're not good guys and they're not you're buddies." I scowled at her.

"I'm sorry I dragged you into it." Lily shrugged. "But that's over now, they won't hurt either of us."

"Until you owe them money again!" I shouted at her. She went silent and I followed her back out into the living room. "Lily you have to understand, you and Matt did some stuff I don't like thinking about and I'm scared when you go to that club. Don't try and drag me with you." I said calmly.

"This is all irrelevant it was a year ago! It's over, nothing is happening anymore." Lily called to me as she left dorm in a huff.

In Omnia Paratus (AU) - Book 2Where stories live. Discover now