In the end I ate some of the burger because I felt bad but I didn't finish it and I just pecked at the chips surrounding it, while Richard finished everything on his plate and even ate some of my chips.

It was like Richard was nervous too because he was checking his watch all the time and delaying going to the cemetery every minute. It was a bit annoying. He made me shop, as in he took me in to town and walked me into topshop and with an opportunity like that I just had to stop and shop.

He, after me resisting a million times, paid for everything I bought and continued to hold my bags as we went into another shop. I wasn't sure what he was up to, was he trying to make me happy before a really sad day. He didn't even do this when were going out, let alone now.

"You're being really nice to me." I moaned taking one of three bags from him.

"I'm always nice to you." Richard smirked as we went to his car.

"No you're not." I hummed nudging his side a little laughing.

"I felt bad after my appearance last night. I didn't mean what I said and I have no concern in your love life I'm sorry." He mumbled getting into the car.

"So you took me shopping? That's sweet." I smiled putting my seatbelt on.

"Yes and a tough task as it turns out." Richard moaned glancing at all the bags in the back seat of his car.

"Sorry." I sang happily. "I hope-- well, I would like us to be friends, you know?" I smiled softly as we started to drive off to the cemetery.

"Oh ace.. You're friend zoning me before we go and see our daughter. Harsh." He joked not looking at me once.

"I'm serious." I stared at him. "You're the only one that knew Maisie like I did. You were there through the pregnancy and birth and you're all that matter to me when it comes to her." I said sadly fiddling with my jacket.

"I'd love to be friends with you Ace." Richard agreed finally looking at me as I saw we were approaching where Maisie was buried and I instantly felt five times more sadder than I already was.

But then suddenly I felt this weird little vibe of happiness as Richard smiled at me as we got out off the car and he led me towards the cemetery. "What's that grin for?" I asked.

"You'll see." Richard smiled.

"You've planned something." I gasped clinging to his arm.

"I may have." Richard turned me around from facing him to face the cemetery and I saw a group of people coming towards me with flowers in their hands ready to lumber me with.

"What's this?" I laughed standing in Richards arms as they had come around me as I stood in front of him.

"They've come to pay respects." Richard hummed in my ear.

"Oh you are the best." I turned his arms and reached up and wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him tightly. As I pulled away out of his arms I kissed his cheek and whispered "Thank you."

"Jenna." I heard a few people call from behind as they approached and handed me bouquet of flowers after flowers and I pretended to like them and handed them to Richard to put in the car.

"Hey lil." I mumbled pulling her to the side. "How long did you know about this?" I asked smiling at her.

"Since this morning. Richard phoned me and asked me to get as many people as I could and then continued to phone as many people as possible." Lily smiled glancing around at the group. It was mainly people from school, actually just Lucy, Olivia, Christina, I had noticed Matt in the corner talking to Marty. The eagle was here with three out of four of my teachers. Mr brown who was talking to my dad, Rachel and even violet was here holding Rachel's hand supremely scared by the group.

Then there were others people from my classes, about five or six from English. Then some girls from the paper who told me that everyone at the paper wishes they could have come but they had to be there for tomorrow big issue.

"Can I just have everybody's attention for a minute?" I laughed standing back a little from the crowd and stepping up on a small rock. Weren't in the cemetery yet just round the side of the church in the car park.

"Hi, hello. I know this isn't wonder circumstances but I just wanted to say how nice it is to see everyone here. My family..." I glanced at dad and Rachel and violet. "My friends..." I glanced mainly at Lily but also others. "People I love so much." I smiled switch my eyes between Matt and Richard slowly. "Maisie is so lucky." And I had to stop before I started crying.

I backed off and immediately fell into Lily's arm laughing because I was crying already. Everyone fell into conversation as quickly Lily calmed me down and I was fine again.

"Jen come here." Dad said as I walked into a hug with him. "It'll be alright, we're all right behind you." Dad encouraged as I saw Richard in the corner of my eye.

I took Richards hand and we walked into the cemetery and to Maisie. The gravestone was perfect and how I imagine it and I started crying from the minute I saw it.

"It's perfect." I hummed with tears in my eyes. My eyes wandered to the array of flowers surrounding on the floor. I thought it would be weird but I bent down in front of it and everyone stood back and I just talked to her. Well I cried to her but it had some speech content.

Richard helped me up and I leant against his chest as Lily then went around and read out all the card on the flowers until she got to the end and then came hugged me whilst Richard slipped away.

In Omnia Paratus (AU) - Book 2Where stories live. Discover now