Auction House

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I stepped into the door frame, letting my horns show to the men in the hallway. "Die." I said, snapping my fingers, and in the shadows in the room, shadow spikes shot out, impaling them all, killing the thirty men guarding the Auction House.

'I'll go and look for cores and kill whoever I see.' Hades said, launching out of my body, absorbing the blood on the ground and enlarging back to his new size as he rampaged through the Auction House.

'Okay.' I thought back to him, walking through the corpses, and going the opposite way he went. I conjured a black sword using the magic Cadell used, surrounded it with soulfire, and dashed through the hall, slicing through the soldiers that came into sight, their bodies fell to the ground after each slash.

I appeared before a room, the first one I was going to check, and opened the door, inside was five men going through boxes, their eyes widening, but closing quickly as they fell to the ground motionless after I killed them with blood magic.

I peeked into the first box, inside was a bunch of silver swords, I picked one up, pushed mana onto it, and watched as it broke. "Pathetic." I tossed it to the ground and started going through more and more of the boxes. 'Actually, if you find armor, let me know, it might be nice to bring some of this gear back with us for the weaker mages in the bunker.'

'I agree.' I stored a couple of the blades in my mana ring, wondering if there were more mana rings somewhere else in the room, it would allow me to transfer more to the bunker. 'I'll look for mana rings as well, I can feel your thoughts.'

I could feel the soldiers in here rushing this way, some though, some were hesitant, like they knew I was here, I was hiding my aura. I grabbed a sword, threw it at the door where a soldier came rushing in at, and watched as it passed through his throat and out the back of his neck.

I packed a couple more swords away, finding none that fit me, and then exited the room, looking for the next storage room in here. I stepped over a corpse, froze the four soldiers who came into the hallway using blood magic, and made them fall to their knees as I approached them.

"Where are the mana beast cores?" I asked them, and when they realized who I was, the life in their faces vanished away, like they knew they were dead. "Uhh." I said in frustration, swiping my hand to the side, allowing the blood in their bodies to explode out of them.

I walked into the next hallway, found another door and went inside, no one was in here, but there were no cores, only clothes. I picked up a mask, it was purple with white dots on it. "What the fuck is this?" I said questioningly, examining the weirdly designed mask, I threw it to the ground.

I packed a couple of clothes in my mana ring, not knowing if anyone needed it. I shot my blood signature search out wide, noticing the Auction House being surrounded by thousands of men, not caring, I was going to teleport out of here, and there wasn't anyone strong.

I exited the room, making my way to a different one, and when I entered, a fire spear passed by my face. I looked at the man who through it, and he fell to his knees in fear when he realized who I was. "Don't kill me!" He pleaded to me, he tried to kill me, so experimenting on him wouldn't be a crime, right? "Please!"

"Fine." I said, his eyes widened, then his body fell to the ground unconscious as I stopped the blood flow to his brain. 'We want five test subjects; I got one already.' I told Hades, looking around the room, noticing on the walls the beast cores I was searching for. "Yes." I said, walking up to them, grabbing them all, even if they were weak ones, not caring, storing them all in my mana ring.

'Oh.' Hades thought back to me. 'Well, I killed everyone I came across.' He is a giant serpent, so it makes sense he killed them all, I shrugged to myself not really caring, feeling people coming this way.

My Beginning After the End Downfallजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें