Strike Teams Pt. I

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Aya Grephin

We are going to be attacking five different slave trading routes, in one weeks time, multiple teams were formed to get this job done, each Lance having a team of their own, Bairon, Varay, and me, the other two teams were led by an elf named Abold, and Princess Kathyln.

There was about eight people on each team, with all the people Veer has brought here, we could have formed countless teams, but we still had to be cautious about people getting caught and bringing them to the bunker, if they could, only the team captains had medallions that could teleport people back into her.

My team consisting of only elves, all possessing wind, plant, and water magic, they all fought in the Battle of Etistin, Veer saved them when he took down the Scythe. The other teams were also filled with soldiers, only mages, we didn't want to bring any non mages, for multiple reasons.

I got up out of my bed, it was early in the morning, I had just woken up moments ago, I was wearing a tight black shirt, and grey short shorts. I opened the door to my room, walking out into the living room and kitchen that were connected, and sitting around the table right outside of the kitchen was Veer.

I had invited Veer's clone to live here, seeing him sit around the fire every day was hard to watch. "Good morning." Veer said, smiling at me as he picked up a cup of tea, he had in front of him and drank it. "I made us some tea."

"Good morning, and thanks." I said, noticing the almost full pot of tea he had made in the center of the table, a cup sitting right next to it. "You are a great roommate, you know that?" I asked, pulling the seat out and sitting across from him.

"I know." Virion said, smirking at me as he did from across the table. "I can't say the same about you, walking around in pajamas, leaving dishes in the sink." He continued smirking, and I just shook my head at him. "How'd you sleep?"

"Pretty good." I said, pouring a cup of tea. "I would ask you, but I know you don't sleep, so there is no point." I took a sip of the hot tea, then placed it down. "Are you training the soldiers again today?" I asked him, Veer has been training some of the soldiers who wanted to continue fighting in the war on the edge of camp.

"Yep." He ran a hand through his brown hair, looking away from me. "Some of the elves on your team are joining me today, I'll try to get them into shape in the next week." I was still having trouble believing that Veer now had control over almost every element. "The clone watching Bilal is getting pissed, he wants to take care of the job, I get it, I've seen the things he's doing."

"Mind me asking, what's the Retainer up to with the elves there? Is he still just, you know, playing with them? I don't know how to ask, you are young, I don't know what you know and don't know." I asked him, and his jaw just slacked, his eyes staring at me with confusion. "Have you had the, the talk?"

"My god." Veer said, looking away from me, taking another sip of tea as he did. "Yes, Aya, I have had the talk." I didn't want to say anything that I shouldn't, I didn't know if he knew how everything worked, I assumed Sylvie and him didn't do anything, they were way too young. "Back on topic, the Retainer is still doing the same thing, bring two of the elven slave girls into his room, and doing who knows what, but we all have our assumptions." He paused, looking at me grimly. "I can say, what he did the other day, it almost made me teleport there to kill him on the spot, oh god, it was so frustrating staying away."

"Should I ask?" I looked at him, I wanted to kill this Retainer already, and Queen Eralith has already ordered Veer to bring the man back here into the bunker, so he can be dealt with by everyone. "What did he do that frustrated you so badly?"

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