New Powerhouse

436 34 4

Eleanor Leywin

I stood there in the middle of the kitchen, it was about ten o'clock in the morning, my father and mother had left, they where roaming around the bunker, helping were they could, I believe they were with the Twin Horns, I also believe Uncle Vincent was with them.

Aya was here, she was sitting at the table in front of me drinking tea, she was wearing her pajamas, she did not care, I liked that, she was a fun person to be around, truthfully, I see why Veer liked her.

"Ellie, are you coming to the meeting with me?" Aya asked as she placed the cup of tea down and I joined her at the table, picking up another cup and pouring some for myself while I was there.

"I was planning on it." I told her, taking a seat, looking the elf in the eyes. "I do find them extremely boring and would rather be out there in the field using my new abilities, but for now, I'll attend them while I can."

"I can't wait to see what you can do out in the field." Aya said with a smile, thinking about me fighting beside her. "If you are anything like your brothers, it'll be a sight to see." I nodded my head, knowing that I could probably take on a Lance at my level, I could probably take on multiple, Cylrit said I was around his strength, maybe stronger, so who knows.

"I know, I can't wait either." I said with a smile, but then thoughts of Veer raced in my mind. "I know we have spoken about Veer a lot, but do you think he'll be okay? I've been thinking about it a lot, I just don't understand what he was thinking, handing himself over like he did."

"It was for our safety." Aya told me, but I shook my head. "If he stayed, he believed the Asuras would come and kill us for helping him, or being around him, like they did with the people at the Wall." That's not really what I thought, it just didn't make sense to me, it really didn't.

"What's stopping the Asuras from killing us still?" I asked her, thinking about everything, something we had plenty of time doing. "What do they need us for? They are gods, we are nothing, even if I am technically an Asura now, they could don't need us."

"I see what you are saying." Aya nodded her head, agreeing with me. "Like Commander Virion said, we are at their mercy, there isn't anything we can do, if they come to kill us, we'll have to fight, whatever happens, happens."

"That's what I am saying though, Veer had no reason to leave if they were just going to kill us anyways." I shrugged, then drank some tea, placing it down after I finished. "I guess there isn't any point in talking about, it, you are right, whatever happens, happens, but it sucks thinking like that."

"Yes, yes it does." Aya stood up. "I'm going to get dressed; I'll meet you at the meeting." She told me, and I shot her a smile and a head nod as she walked into her room. I sat there for a little, finished my tea, then stood up and left the house.

I started walking the small streets of the bunker, well, I wouldn't call them streets, more like walkways, and as I did, a familiar person came into view. "Lilia." I said, catching her attention as she handed something over to an elf, it looked like food.

"Ellie." She said, eyeing me up. "I'm still getting used to your new appearance, you look different in a good way." I stood there about two yards from here, the two of us smiling at one another. "Want to help me?"

I could see the stacks of boxes behind her, it looked like food, we were running extremely low, and there wasn't much we could do. "Sure, what are you doing?" I asked as I looked around, the elves and humans were just walking amongst themselves, helping out the people in need, but it didn't seem like they were waiting for food.

"I'm moving these boxes to the storage room, I already handed out rations for the day, so we don't need them out anymore." My mother must have gotten some before I got up this morning, this was still so weird, I could feel everyone's mana, all the mages, it was clear as day because I was so much stronger than them.

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