What I want

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I was sitting in the lab, we had just killed another person, it was Agrona, Cadell, and me. I was unable to make someone into a Vritra, I truly believe, and I think this is what we were all thinking, I can only make my family members into Vritra or Dragons, which is sad.

"Agrona." I said his name, I had just sparred with Cecilia maybe an hour ago, it was time to talk to him. "We need to talk about Sylvie, I don't know if you want Cadell to hear this conversation or not, but we need to have one." I was looking at him with a serious expression, he was merely standing there over the corpse of the person we had just killed.

"Leave us, Cadell." Agrona told him as he took a seat in the chair in the lab, and I did the same, sitting on the opposite side of the table. "Fine, let's talk about it." Cadell left the room within seconds, leaving the two of us alone, besides the corpse.

"Why haven't you brought her back?" I asked immediately. "Actually, before you answer that, because I know the answer, what do I need to do for you, to make it happen? I know you are just waiting to use me in some way before you bring her back, so tell me what to do."

"At least you understand." Agrona responded. "Nothing is ever free, we don't kill you, you bring the Legacy here, you want your girlfriend, you are going to have to do something for me." I went to speak, but he held up his hand. "Carving out a base doesn't count, we already had this conversation, you did it without questioning me, that's on you, not me."

"Hahahaha." I laughed, pointing at him. "Fair enough, I guess you have a point." He did, a bad one for me, and one that pissed me off, but it was still a valid point. "Then like I said, what do you want from me? I'll do anything in exchange for Sylvie's life, just tell me what." I told him again, knowing that I would do anything for her.

"I am sending a team of Wraiths to attack a small village on the outskirts of Epheotus." I looked at him curiously, I was fine attacking the asuras, but could we really win that type of battle. "It's not the Hamadryads, it's on the other side, it's actually within the Leviathan race's territory." He paused for a second, the village houses a powerful Leviathan that I want dead."

This piqued my interest even more now. "Why does that matter?" I asked him. "Why are you targeting powerful asuras, aren't you all powerful?" I didn't understand what he was trying to get out of this except for killing some random dude.

"I am targeting, and this is what I am going to have the Legacy do at some point, but I want to take out the heads of the Clans that supported Kezess." Agrona told me. "I would rather have this man dead, than alive when we go to war with them." He paused for a second, then went on. "Actually, I changed my mind, I think Sylvie, my lovely daughter, your beloved, is worth two heads."

"Fuck you." I said, shaking my head. "But fine, if that's the terms, two heads for Sylvie's life, I accept them." I gave him a serious look. "Do you? If I succeed, you will bring Sylvie back." The two of us just stared at one another, trying to read the other person.

"I accept them as well, I will give you two names, you kill them, I will bring Sylvie back into this world." Agrona told me, and I nodded my head, okay with his terms even if they are bullshit. "First person on your list is name Sykea, he is a member of the Mapellia Clan, from the Hamadryad race."

"Sykea, is he some sort of powerful warrior?" I asked, curious to know why he would want someone from the Hamadryad race dead.

"Yes." Agrona answered. "He isn't their top fighter, but if he would be killed, it would break their spirits, and question the dragons just a little." He wants me to kill a Hamadryad, at least I'll get to fight an asura, that will be fun. "Do you accept the first name?"

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