The Prey

424 34 8

Virion Leywin

I stood there in the middle of the forest, outside Ekshire City in Sapin, feeling the enemy approaching, it's pretty cool how they are able to track me so easily, then again, I was killing Alacryans at random inside of the city, it was obvious I was around.

Trees covered my head, I could barely see the day sky, but it didn't matter, they would sense me. I still can't believe the balls on Windsom and the dragons, I mean, I guess I do, I do understand, but they are just pushing me to kill them all.

I conjured a black sword in my right hand, the same sword that Cadell uses, but just smaller to fit my body, then I drove it into the ground, I had no reason to hide. "There he is." I heard a dark, scratchy voice come from behind a tree. "Another clone it looks like."

"What's up?" I said, shooting the Wraith a smile. "You must be one of the ten Wraiths around this forest, go ahead, send the message that you found me, I'll wait." I told him, leaning on the sword driven in the ground, watching as he pressed something in his pocket, and all the blood signatures in this forest shot in this direction. "Good job, now let's just wait until they get here, I have to talk to some of them."

"Tch, I don't need to wait for them to kill a clone." I tilted my head at him, and before he even took a step toward me, he spoke again. "But I will, I'll follow my orders." I nodded my head as he got closer to me, but didn't attack, it only took about ten seconds before the others showed up.

"Cadell!" I exclaimed, happy to see my pal, wanting him to die right here, but I knew I couldn't take them all on. "You needed to bring back up to take me down, I get it, must have hurt your pride." I nodded as the Scythe came walking out from behind a tree, standing about five yards from me, while the others circled me.

"Devil." Cadell said, but I ignored him, turning toward the blood signature of Nico.

"Nico?" I tilted my head at him in the shadows. "Come on out, buddy, I would like to speak with you." The boy my brother's age stepped out of the shadows from behind me, standing the same distance away as Cadell.

"You want to speak to me, Devil." Nico said, his dark aura trying to push me back, but it wasn't as dark as mine. "Just die." He shot a spike at me, but it froze before it even got close to me, but that was when I saw her, Seris was hiding there, but then again, I knew that she was with them.

"Chill the fuck out." I told Nico, shaking my head at him. "You will never find the real me, I get it, you are hunting down his clones to prove a point, you aren't scared, but listen, the real me will find you when he is ready." I couldn't tell them he was in the Relictombs, Seris knew, but if they did, they would leave and just camp the exit. "Oh, look at that, you have hands." I got a little distracted by the sight of Dragoth as he stepped out from behind a tree

"Devil." Dragoth said, spitting onto the ground, I looked at him, disgusted by that. "How about you tell us where the real you is?" I shook my head, looking around at all the Vritras, they were all out of hiding now, I never thought I would be in a situation like this, well, I am a clone, but I mean, all the Scythes trying to hunt me down.

"Stunning." I said, looking at Melzri as she leaned against a tree. "Scythe Melzri, I'll admit, you are stunning, but sadly, you are my enemy for now." I shrugged, giving Scythe Viessa a head nod as I turned to her, she sent a wink in return. "Alright, alright, who's gonna try to kill me first?" I looked around, smiling at them. "Unless you are willing to talk some more? I would love to get to know all of you."

"If you tell us where you are." Melzri shot me a smile, and I looked at her with a smirk. "I didn't think so." They all got into battle stances, but I stood there, wanting to talk to them, however, a fight with all these foes could be extremely fun.

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