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Virion Leywin

My eyes opened, and I shot out of the bed I was in, swinging at the person before me. My fist slammed into Cylrit's arm as he defended himself, but I knocked him backwards into the wall, causing the room to shake.

"Virion, relax." He told me, and I shook my head, holding up my arms, saying I was sorry.

"My bad." I said, then examined the room I was in, it was unfamiliar, there was a bed with nice sheets to on it, a window that overlooked a valley of some sorts, and there were some decorations on the walls, but I didn't know what of, they looked like paintings. "Where the fuck am I?"

"You are in Sehz-Clar." Cylrit said, then examined me, I didn't react at all, I was holding back my anger, knowing they meant well. "How do you feel?" He asked me, and I shrugged, then his eyes drifted to my head.

Already knowing why, I reached up; on the top of my head were two little horns, maybe an inch long. "Haha, I got horns." I said jokingly, looking at Cylrit, then asked another question. "Why did she bring me here? I have things I need to get done in Dicathen, there is a war going on you know."

Cylrit went to speak but backed up into the wall as Seris stepped in, wearing her normal black tight dress, which matched her obsidian horns. "A war you have already lost." She spoke, standing two yards from me now, examining my body. "You know it, child, Dicathen is lost for now."

"Well, I was hoping with become a Vritra and all I could give us a fighting chance." I told her, and she reached her hand up, and touched the one horn on my head and smiled down at me as she released them.

"From the test I did on you while you were out, I can tell you that you are one hundred percent a Vritra, not a half breed, but a self created full born Asura." I could see the excitement in her eyes, she found this amazing, I could tell. "And even with this new upgrade, I am afraid you would not have mastered this new body of yours before the battle in Etistin, you would die..."

It didn't matter, if something comes up, things change, or anything, I will be going to Etistin, the plan doesn't need me, but if I show up, I could possibly take down one Scythe, who knows.

"Hmm, you may be right there." I nodded my head, giving her a smile. "It still begs the question, Seris, why am I here with you? I know you aren't starting a rebellion any time soon, so why bring me here?"

"I am going to make you, my disciple." I looked at her confused, but a little curious and happy. "I will teach and train you the ways of Vritra magic, Virion, you have a greater purpose now, and I know you are a child, and I'll account for that, but please trust me."

"Oh, Seris, don't worry, you already have my trust." I assured her but spoke. "However, there are events in Dicathen that I would like to stop before they happen." I was thinking about Sylvie's sacrifice, my clone has it handled, but I'll need to go as well. "There are also people there that need me."

"Really?" She asked me questioningly. "From where I stand, you are an enemy of Dicathen's leaders, isn't that right? You killed the Princess, the Legacy, I didn't think you had it in you, no one did."

"T-that may be the case, but Seris, ---" She held a hand up to me, silencing me.

"Think about the future, not the present, even with you there, if you can tell me honestly, that your presence will change the outcome, please do." She told me, and I didn't respond, I knew we were going to lose, I just wanted to be there for my parents and everyone, and to kill. "You know I am right, become my disciple, and I will help you become what you are meant to be."

I stared at her, looking into her dark eyes, thinking about everyone back home, knowing that if I didn't go back now, and someone died, I would blame myself forever, however, Seris could teach me how to use my magic, and help me get stronger to protect them in the future.

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