Victoriad Pt. III

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Arthur Leywin

I watched as the last fight for the last Retainer spot ended, none of my students were here, they were all gone, walking around the arena, sitting in the bleachers. I couldn't see where Seris's box was, I was assuming once I went out there, I would be able to see Veer and Caera.

'You ready for this?' Regis thought to me, knowing what was going to happen. 'You know he is going to be here any second, a reunion, yeah.' I rolled my eyes as I sat in the observation box by myself, getting ready to fight, mana and aether coursing through me, it was nothing like the novel Veer told me about. A mana signature entered the vicinity, and I knew immediately who it was.

'I'm ready.' I told Regis, adjusting my white cloak. I know for a fact that in the novel Veer spoke of, he told me I broke my core, and made only an aether core over it, but at the moment, I had a mana core under my aether core, but aether was powering my body. I had control over everything, and I knew that right now, I was powerful enough to take down Nico and Cadell. 'He's going to be here now any second, don't come out, this is between him and I.'

Regis gave me a mental head nod as I stood up and waited, knowing for a fact that Nico was about to land in the center of the arena. A sudden explosion went off in the middle of the arena, sending dust everywhere, and within the dust a figure could be seen.

"Grey!" He shouted, the dust was still covering him, blocking my view of him. "Grey come out! I know you are here! Come on!" As the dust settled, I god stepped into the arena, the purple lightning dancing off of me like it usually did when I activated it.

"It's been a while, old friend." I spoke, standing five yards from him, the arena was silent, the people unmoving. A force field activated, protecting the people from any attack that might be sent their way.

"Grey!" He shouted, black spikes appeared around him, pointing at me. "It's time for us to end this, you and me, right here, right now! No more running." My old friend did not look the same, hatred and anger clearly was still taking over his life.

"You look like shit." I told him, conjuring an aether blade in my hand. "I was never running from you, Nico, but if you want to do this, I will." I paused, getting ready to strike him, pushing electric through my body, increasing my strength with mana and aether, knowing I would be at my top speed when we went at one another. "If you don't want to see the truth, then I'll show you it."

I knew what I had to do, it was Veer's idea, and it's the best one I've got.

Nico shot at me, his movements slower than the last time I fought him, I god stepped to meet him halfway, and in an instance, my blade entered his stomach, right where his core was. Nico fell off my blade and onto the ground, and just like that, my old friend was unmoving, but alive.

I gave him one last look before I turned to the box where the Sovereign Kiros was with the other Scythes, the crowd silent still, trying to put a finger on what had just happened, except for noise, I could hear clapping, and when I turned to it, the Virion clone was clapping, causing me to shake my head as I turned to the Sovereign.


Seris Vritra

I looked around at the box, they were all in shock from the sight of Arthur, or should I say Grey, defeating Nico so easily, so fast, Sovereign Kiros seemed the most interested. Melzri and Viessa, the two who trained Nico, had smirks on their faces as they stood behind the Sovereign. Dragoth's expression was one of shock, and Cadell was now standing close to me in the back as Arthur stepped toward us.

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