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Virion Leywin

I stumbled agains the wall of the tunnel I was in, I had already sent word of my return to the clone in charge of the battle in Zestier. My blood healing wasn't helping me at the moment, the loss of blood and the wounds inflicted to me from Clifford and Dianco were just too much.

I had no clue how I was up and moving, my legs were barely functional, but I was having trouble flying, it was hard to control while being sore and fatigued. I was using the wall to my side to guide me out of here.

There was no mana beast in here, I sensed for them already, it seems Agrona did as he said. The mana ring with the things I wanted from him on my broken finger, both my wrist still broken, the one was wrapped though, it was the one that had the bone sticking out, they wrapped it the second day.

I felt the speeding approach of my clone, it had one job, carry me home. If I was right, they probably think I am dead, I hoped everything played out the way we wanted, otherwise, I could be walking into a shit show.

"Sir." The clone said as I almost fell over. "What happened to you, jeez?"

"Tch." I made a noise and motioned for him to pick me up. "I need you to carry me out of here." The clone came over and picked me up. "I can't say this isn't weird, because it is, I am carrying myself through a dungeon."

"I'm assuming your trip in Alacrya wasn't what you thought?" My clone asked as we made our way out of the dungeon.

"Ehh, kind of." I answered. "I got what I wanted, that is all that matters." I told him, and the two of us just spoke about everything that was going on. When we got outside, I pointed towards a tree. "Place me down over there."

The clone walked me over to the tree and placed me down slowly. "What are we doing? Shouldn't we get you back?" I needed to get back, but the fact I was suffering from severe blood loss, needed to be dealt with first.

"This isn't a permanent cure, but it will do the job until I get to the Floating Castle." I started concentrating on my blood healing a little more, then asked him. "I want you to use all your mana on healing me with your blood magic, that way I should be able to get to the Castle from here without passing out."

"On it." The clone and I started to heal me as best we could, the wounds were still there as we focused on the inner body issues, focusing on stopping internal bleeding from all the beatdowns I got.

After about thirty minutes, my clone dissolved, my hands still broke, my fingers pointing in the wrong direction, and I slowly got to my feet, trying to walk, but fell over almost immediately. I couldn't walk still, I hadn't in over two weeks, I was always chained down or dragged.

I surrounded my body with mana, and started to fly, the Floating Castle should be around here somewhere. I knew it was to the east of the Beast Glades, so I'll head in that direction and probably find it at some point.

I only had about half of my mana, so I needed to get back, and even after being healed, I was lightheaded. I flew through the sky, heading towards the Floating Castle, and started to think about what Agrona said.

He told me that my control over my blood magic needed to be on a whole different level if I wanted to create Vritras or become one myself. I know when I tried with the Alacryan mage we captured, I only used blood oath, nothing else, so maybe that's why he died.

This works perfectly for me, I have the cure for my virus, and that also means I can access my phase three more without breaking my mind. I could use it whenever I wanted, I still had a time limit while having it active, around five to ten minutes Aenon said.

My Beginning After the End DownfallTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang