Dwarven Lance Pt. V

504 43 7

Mica Earthborn

It's been a little over a week since the events in Etistin happened, Virion just simply making a fool out of the Alacryans, throwing around a Scythe like it was nothing. The clone here, well, the two clones here, King Trodius being one of them, they told me that the real me killed all the Alacryan troops in Etistin.

I didn't believe it at first, but then we began to get refugees, not from Etistin, but from other places, and they told us the same thing, Lance Virion showed, beat the shit out of the Scythe on stage, then left, then came back and killed the Alacryans in the city. It was really hard to believe, but Virion claims it is true, so it's hard to say he is a liar.

In the past week, everything here has been going smoothly, Virion doesn't want anyone leaving the Wall, he says that we have to wait just a little before we go out on missions to help out the people, but like I said earlier, we have been getting refugees, people who escaped Vritra control.

The talk with the Retainer didn't change much here, but the clone said that the real Virion went with him, and that he is now in Alacrya, but it doesn't matter, the clone here has been doing everything anyways. I was also told that the real Virion can show up at any moment using a teleportation device, so there is no big deal.

"What's the closest city?" Virion asked openly, but then again, there were only three of us up here on the top of the Wall, Cassandra, him, and I, we were just sitting, talking about what we could do.

"Well, Xyrus floats close to here, I would say that is the closest city, but ground wise, Blackbend is the closest." Cassandra said, Virion just nodded, I could see he was thinking about something, but I didn't know what.

The Alacryans still think Trodius is in control here, so they haven't come to take it over yet, and they won't as long as they think he is still the leader here. They made a deal, and Virion was very smart for creating a clone like he did, now we are living here safely, knowing that we won't be attacked, and even if we were, our defenses here were strong.

"Why do you ask?" Cassandra turned to Virion, he was still thinking about something, I was curious now too, so I turned to him.

"Hmm, you say Xyrus?" The two of us nodded. "I was just there, you know, I raided that city a good two weeks ago, and the more I think about, the more I wonder why I didn't take control of that city." Cassandra and I just stared at him, wondering what he meant, one person couldn't hold a city.

"The same reason you told me you couldn't take Etistin after you killed all their troops." I said, then went on. "You can't hold a city by yourself, eventually, they'll send more and more troops, and you won't be able to defend against it."

"See, that is true, but Xyrus is different, I didn't think about it at the time, but if we went in, killed the Alacryans, then switched off the teleportation gates, the only troops to ever arrive there, will be ones that can fly." And the ones that could fly were the Retainers and Scythes, but still, there is flaw, it wouldn't work.

"What's stopping them from flying up to the city, turning on the teleportation gate, and allowing their troops through?" I asked Virion.

"Me." He said, then laughed a little. "Hahah, but you are right, that is a flaw, but then again, we could always just destroy the gates." Then how the hell were people going to get up there, or how were we going to get down? "The only way up and down will be by my control, the warp pad my clone is controlling." Oh, that is true, we could use that, it would work.

"That could work, but still, you'll have to defend yourself against Retainers and Scythes." I added, and he shrugged, leaning back into his chair. "That would be the best city to take, it would be hard, but it could be done, and keeping it could also be done."

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