The Blood City

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(One Week Later)

Melody Tremaine

"How is it going?" I asked the clone of Virion as he stood beside Lance Mica, the city was being built as fast as possible, at the moment, elves were sleeping on the streets, food was limited, but we were managing. "How many houses did you manage to build this afternoon?"

"About three hundred that can house, I don't know, maybe four thousand if the right people are placed in them." Virion said, looking at Mica as he spoke, seeing if he was right, she nodded her head, agreeing with him. "The city is coming along quite nicely, it won't be long until we have a home for everyone, even if it is for the time being." Virion said, looking around at the buildings he had just built, other mages were working throughout the cavern.

"Yeah, Mica can't even, I can't even believe how fast we are building this." She said, looking at me, Cassandra was downstairs in the lab, looking over everything, I was actually about to head down there. "All the elves should have a home in the coming week."

"That's good to hear." I said, shooting them a smile, it's been hard this past week, a lot of elves were killed in the attack by the Asuras, and they destroyed my homeland, that's why I am willing to do whatever Virion wants me to do, he wants to take them down, I'll do whatever I can to make sure he can do it. "Virion, did you leave the bunker?"

"Yes, there is only a hidden clone there now." Virion told me. "They took it pretty well, the real me still hasn't come out of the Relictombs, so we are still waiting to move the asset." Virion started walking and I followed, Mica did the same. "I was about to go down there, if you want to join me?"

"I was too." I told him, nodding my head. "I know Cassandra is down there checking up on things, so I was going to go and join her." Elves bowed to us as we walked past them, well, I should say that they bowed to Virion, he was their savior, the one who showed up and got them out of there before the Kingdom was erased.

"Can I go down there now?" Mica asked, Virion hadn't allowed her to go down there, wanting to keep it secret from her, the troops, the projects, experiments, he knew if she knew, she would disapprove and probably leave, but he needed her here now, he couldn't afford to let her go and expose us.

"No." Virion told her. "The only four people allowed down there are Cassandra, Melody, Daryl, and I, and well, I guess Circe, but she doesn't leave ever, so she doesn't count." In the dungeon down there, we now had seven prisoners that were just prisoners, not test subjects like the hundreds of Alacryans.

"Virion, when are you going to trust me?" Mica asked, looking up at him in sadness, wanting to go down there. "I want to help you, you have already proven that you are a genius, tricking everyone with the death of me, saving these people, manipulating the Scythes and Wraiths to help you, let me see what you are doing down there."

"Not yet." Virion shook his head. "Not until I finish, I don't want anyone else down there, I am sorry Mica, please, just wait for now, you'll see eventually." She had a disappointed face on, it reminded me of a child, which is bad to say about a Lance, but something I have learned over the last couple months is that the Lances are worthless.

"Alright." Mica answered, then stopped following us, saying one more thing before we left her. "I'll stay here and work on building more houses." We both nodded our heads as we walked away, heading towards the tunnel now protected by two clones, making sure that no one goes downstairs.

I believe Daryl was also down there, he was helping Virion with Project Vision, not helping, but keeping an eye on everything, he wasn't able to build bodies from scratch like Virion could. "I would say I feel bad about leaving her in the dark, but I really don't, she's a child, she doesn't know how to keep her mouth shut." Virion said as we got further away, looking forward at the guards.

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