What Did I get Myself Into

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(One Week Later)

'We are back in Epheotus, how nice!' Hades said in my head. 'We need to kill this Sykea guy, or god, whatever you want to call him.' He paused for a second, then went on. 'Are you ready for this? It is going to be extremely difficult, invading them, and finding the right person.'

'I know, the Mapellia Clan, such a strange name for a Hamadryad race.' I told him as I stood there in the forest, the one right outside the cavern we made a week ago. 'Honestly, Sykea is a cool name.'

'Yeah.' Hades agreed with me. 'Agrona did say that this was the right place, right?' I could sense Hamadryads, maybe about twenty miles out from where we were, they were numbering in the thousands, so this was going to be fun.

'I think.' I said, but I shook my head. 'I have no idea how we are going to find this man though.' I said, I don't, there are a thousand of them, I don't even know what they look like, they could be tree people.

'I'm not listening to your thoughts right now, tree people? Really? I can find him though; they won't be able to detect me if I travel through their bodies and search their brains for the information we are looking for.'

'Good job, Hades, you actually contributed something.' I thought to him, and I felt him laugh a little, then I went on. 'Well, we might as well head that way, it's twenty miles, I'm assuming it is some sort of tree city.'

'Probably, yeah, it'll take some time getting there, we don't want to be noticed.' Hades said, and I darted off toward the city, the aura off all the asuras was tremendous, but nothing too bad, I can block it with blood magic, but the mana around me felt amazing, it was really rejuvenating.

I pushed electricity through my body, making me go faster, this was just one way I could increase my body's limits, it helped a lot that I was a asura as well. I had the necklace from Seris around my neck, so I could shape shift into whatever I had too. I couldn't wait to find out what these people looked like, I bet it is something cool, or maybe not, I don't know, maybe they are normal looking.

I would do anything to get Sylvie back, I know this is what Agrona wants, he is sending me on a suicide mission, but I was happy, I was going to fight an asura, at least I think so. I was playing this smart though, if I can kill him without him seeing it coming, I was going to do that.

In the novel, you don't see any, or even hear about the Hamadryad race really, at least from my knowledge. Their magic has to do with plants though, just like elves, but I am sure it is on a whole other level, it makes me a little curious.

'You know you can steal their magic, right?' Hades asked in my mind, and I sent him a mental nod, knowing that I could. 'I was just making sure, not wanting you to think something you shouldn't.'

I rolled my eyes as I kept on running through the forest, not wanting to fly, I didn't want to be seen. Hades is going to do his thing while I shape shift and walk through the city, will this guy within the week, maybe I'll erase the whole clan, actually, I don't think I could, I'm not that strong.

I don't even know if my cursed spell could kill an asura, I don't think it's strong enough, and if I tried, it most definitely would blow my cover. I can't feel for the type of race they are, but I wonder if there are dragons here to keep the peace since they are the leading race really.

I could kill a dragon, it is a feeling, like I don't know why, I just want to kill a dragon. I haven't had the opportunity of killing one yet, and I just really want to do it, I don't know if I am strong enough or not, but I want to.

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