
521 39 11

Eleanor Leywin

"Where is he?" My mother asked, looking at me as I exited the bathroom. "Where is Damon?" I shrugged, not knowing. "I don't completely understand how Veer did what he did, but if Damon is, well, let's say related, and he was just created recently, he must learn to clean up after himself."

I could see that in the kitchen there were two empty bowls, but they weren't clean, and a dirty teacup. "Haha, have fun with that one." I told her, going towards the door. "I'll go and make sure he is fine and tell him what you said."

"Alright, remember the announcement at three." My mother said as I left the door, appearing beside Boo. I knew about the announcement, most of us know what it's about, I didn't care for it.

"Stay here, Boo." I told my bond as I patted his head. "You cause too much commotion, you know it." He grunted and laid his head down in sorrow. "I'll be back soon, don't worry." I started down a path, walking past the countless houses, looking for Damon, or anyone that I knew decently well.

"El." Someone's voice shouted, it was a girls, and when I turned to it, I could see Lilia coming my way. "What are you up to?" She asked as she came up to me. "Oh, where's Boo?"

"I'm looking for Damon." I told her, then pointed behind me at the house we were staying in down the path where Boo was laying. "He stayed at the house; I didn't want him to be too loud while I walked."

"I saw Damon by the stream, I think he was just sitting there alone." She told me, and then the two of us started to walk in that direction. "I'll show you." I nodded, giving her a smile. "I still can't get over that Veer created him, he created a living being, and none the less, it's basically his child."

"Yeah, it is weird." I said, knowing that Veer was my age, and he had a child, maybe more, even though it wasn't really his child, but in some ways it was. "I'm starting to get used to it, he's talkative sometimes, but only in certain situations, so it's hard to get to know him."

"Is there someone to get to know?" She asked, looking at me with a serious face. "You said Veer grew him, and that he was like a month old, right?" I nodded. "Then really he doesn't know who he truly is yet."

"Yeah, but I think Veer programmed their minds as well, I would ask him, but everyone still thinks he is dead." I mean, he might be, but I could never think that way unless I had proof. "After everything that went down the last two weeks, it's been quite the challenge, but Damon being here gives me a little hope."

"True." Lilia and I turned down another path, one that led to the stream. "I have never truly seen an Asura, that is if we don't count Damon, so I don't know what to think about them attacking us here. I know it would end badly, but still, it's hard to picture something I don't know a lot about."

Today, the people of the bunker will be deciding whether or not they want to fight them, if they choose no, we will be their slaves, if they choose yes, a lot of people could die.

"It would be bad." I told her truthfully. "Like you though, I don't really know what would happen, if we would survive, if some of us would, or none, but I know if they did attack, there would be a lot of fighting."

"Which I guess wouldn't be good." I shook my head as I looked forward. "There he is." We appeared in front of the stream, and on the far end, sitting on an earthen slab in the water was Damon, his black hair dangling down as he sat criss cross.

"Thanks." I said, then turned to her. "I'll see you later, unless you want to come with me." I motioned toward him, but Lilia shook her head, giving me a slight smile.

"I have to go and see Kathyln, but yeah, I'll see you soon at the announcement." She waved, then turned around and left, going back the way we came, I turned to Damon who was now looking at me, and flew over the water to him.

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