Hell Zone Pt. IV

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'You on your way?' I thought to Hades as we stood there, waiting for something, Kelce said that the giant skeleton appeared here when she got here, and it was when the normal ones weren't coming, so it just comes out whenever. I didn't sense it though, it didn't have blood so that makes sense, but still, I wasn't even picking up mana signatures.

'Yes, sir.' Hades said sarcastically. 'I'll stay hidden until after, we don't want them attacking me, and well, if word gets out that an Ascender at your age has a summoning ability that is a serpent, they may figure out that you are here.'

'Good point.' I told him, standing there with the two other Strikers, Tanner was to my side, I could tell he used fire just by looking at him, I could also sense the mana for fire magic around him. "Now what?" I asked out loud, annoyed to be standing here, the Casters and Sentries were behind us, watching our back.

"We wait until it comes out." Tanner said, shrugging as he looked at me. "Kelce said that it just came out of nowhere, so stay on guard, we don't know where it is going to come from." I gave him a sarcastic thumbs up and squatted down, running my hands through the stones. "You seem pretty relaxed for someone who seems young, I'd say, you look maybe nineteen?"

"If you are trying to guess my age, you're absolutely correct." I answered him, but kept my eyes down, still playing with the stones beneath me, not really caring for this room, the other ones were better.

"Damn, I'm good." Tanner said proudly, and I rolled my eyes. "Look!" He then exclaimed, I looked up, and he was pointing forward, coming towards us was the giant skeleton, maybe about one hundred yards out, it stood at about sixty feet, and had a weirdly muscular body for it being made out of bones.

I continued squatting, Tanner and Ark got into battle stances, red flames erupted around Tanner's body, Ark's fist grew icy claws, and then they turned to me. "Huh?" I said questioningly, confused on what they were eyeing me up.

"Get ready, it's coming." Ark told me, and I stood up, cracked my back. "Come on, you said you were a Striker." I could take this skeleton out with one spell if I wanted, but let's watch them fight it, I'm sure it'll be fun.

"I am." As I spoke, I conjured an ice sword in my right hand. "Jeez, there is no need to rush me." I said in an annoyed tone, feeling the ground shake as the skeleton sprinted towards us, now about fifty yards.

"You don't seem worried in the slightest?" Tanner said as they both faced the skeleton, getting ready for battle. "This is a life or death situation, get your head in the game." I turned my head to look at Fenyir and everyone, she gave me a head nod and a smile, then I faced forward.

"Split!" Ark shouted, and then they launched in different directions, I just stood there, the skeleton was gigantic, it was so cool, its foot came down on me and I vanished before it, appearing behind it, Ark and Tanner went at it from the sides, their attacks doing literally nothing against its body.

I stayed back, watching as spells hit the skeleton from the conjurers, that's what I'll call them, the skeleton turned back to me, bringing a fist down on me, I dodged it with ease, then Tanner came in, swinging his fire augmented fist into its ankle.

The attack did nothing, and as he backed away slightly after the attack, the skeleton brought his fist down, it barely missed, but if it would have landed, Tanner would no longer exist, he would have been squished.

I stepped towards the skeleton, pushing ice out of my feet and onto the ground, making the stones slippery so it had trouble walking, and watched as Ark's ice claw broke after hitting the bones of the skeleton, these fuckers are stupid.

My Beginning After the End DownfallNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ