Just a Clone

443 35 20

Eleanor Leywin

"What do you mean we have to prepare for the inevitable?" Tessia asked, looking around the room. The council wasn't all here, it was a couple of Lances, King and Queen Glayder, and Commander Virion. "We don't know if he is dead, grandfather."

"We have been over this, Tessia." Commander Virion said in a strict tone, looking at his granddaughter who was still upset over Virion's death, I was crying before I showed up. "I have to announce his death sooner or later, you heard Windsom, it's our only choice for the time being."

"He isn't dead though." Tessia answered. "We can't accept it, isn't that right, El?" She looked at me, and I simply nodded my head, not really knowing what to say. "Grandfather, another week or two, let's just wait."

"Stop it." King Glayder spoke up. "The boy is dead." I felt my eyes start to water once again as the King shut Tessia up, she shook her head and went silent. "He thought he was a god, and it resulted in his demise."

"And yet, he is the only reason you are alive right now." I spoke up, silencing him, Virion was the one who rescued him from the Floating Foretress. "Virion might be dead, but I just can't accept it, that's the truth."

"Same." Tessia nodded her head. "Don't announce it yet."

"Fine." Commander Virion answered us, smiling at me. "I'll give him a little more time, but sooner or later we are going to have to tell the people about his death. I know it's going to be hard, but I don't know how long I can keep this information away from everyone." The only people outside of the council that know are my parents, that's how secretive we were being.

"I say we announce it today." King Glayder spoke up once again, and I think for the first time in my life, I saw why Virion hated this guy. "Commander Virion, I know you loved the boy, but the people should know that their protector, one of them, is dead, I'm not trying to be rude or anything, they just deserve to know."

"No." Tessia shook her head, looking at the King. "You tell them he is dead, and there is no coming back from that. They need to think he is alive to retake Dicathen, and you know that."

"He's right, Tess." Commander Virion said, looking at his granddaughter in remorse. "I'm sorry, you two, but it has to be done." He paused for a second, then went on. "Like I said, I won't do it today like King Glayder suggests, but we will eventually."

"And know your place, Lance Eleanor." King Glayder told me, and before I could even respond, a dark aura entered the room, snapping our heads to the entrance way, and standing there, was a boy with horns, red eyes, and ashy-brown hair.

"Speak to my sister that way again, and I'll take your tongue." Virion told King Glayder, causing him to freeze. It was Tessia and I who jumped up and shot over to him, I wrapped my arms around him so tightly, making sure he was real. "Hey, El."

"You are alive!" I exclaimed as Commander Virion got up from his seat as well, King and Queen Glayder were still frozen in their seats, I think afraid of Virion's sudden appearance.

"Virion." Tessia hugged Virion next as I let him go. "Stop doing this to us!"

"Hahaha." Virion laughed as he closed his eyes, hugging Tessia with a smile on his face, like he was happy to be here. Tessia released him, and Commander Virion came up, but Virion looked at him and shook his head. "I am sorry, but I wouldn't celebrate my return." He said, looking around the room. "I'm just a clone." All the excitement I felt just disappeared, but a small pot of hope remained in my stomach.

"What?!" Tessia exclaimed, looking at my brother in confusion.

"I don't care, it's great to see you." Commander Virion said, hugging Virion anyways, not caring that he was a clone. "You can explain yourself, I just needed to hug you." The two exchanged a long hug, and then as he let my brother go, he made his way back to his seat.

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