The Truth Behind it All

790 57 16

Virion Lewyin

I was gliding through a forest, it was near Blackbend, I was searching for blood signatures, more specifically, Gideon's. I needed to find that mad crazy fucking scientist before anything bad happens to him, who knows, maybe he is already dead.

I stopped as I got closer to a traveling unit of Alacryans, I watched as they rode past on mana beast, searching or just traveling, I didn't care. I was just going to west of Blackbend, heading towards Kalberk, I was just guessing, my blood magic did reach extensively far now, I would say about twenty to thirty miles.

I started moving once again, jumping over fallen trees, and running through bushes, I was trying to stay out of sight for now, I didn't need a whole army locating me, if a whole army could take me on. I didn't have my cloak on, I was in black tight clothing with armor on, well, the small amount of armor that I usually wore.

My eyes widened, was that, tch, it was, well, it's good to see that she is alive, but Lance Mica isn't the priory right now. I'll come back for her right after I locate Gideon, he is important to us, if he can give non mages magic, it would be a game changer for all of us.

The Alacryan mages that ran past me, turned back this way, I could sense them, they probably sensed movement as well. I stopped in my tracks in the middle of the forest I was in, trees surrounded me, I was slightly hidden, so I stepped towards an opening, wanting them to see me when they got closer.

There was about ten of them on ten mana beast, none that were strong, I got ready to kill them, feeling for the mana around me, and when they came into sight, I could see the look of surprise in their eyes when they saw me, a boy with horns in front of them.

I pointed my hand at them, and black flames shot out of it, extending towards, swallowing everyone, the soldiers fell of their mana beast, gagging in pain as the soulfire ate away their insides, the mana beast looked at me in fear, the same thing happening to them, but they were able to handle it a little better, they decided to run away from their masters.

The ten soldiers rolled on the ground as I kept the black flames dancing inside of them, I slowly walked over to them, wondering what soulfire felt like inside of you, I shouldn't think like that. "Who's in charge?" I asked, stopping the flames, but leaving them inside.

It took them about five seconds to gather themselves, but they stayed on the ground, some stayed lying, three got to their knees, but the one in the middle stood and faced me. "I am." He said. "You must be the child Lance, the newly born Vritra we were told about."

"Good, you know who I am, I don't have to explain it to you." I said, grabbing hold of the blood of the soldiers on the ground, forcing them all to go to their knees, but allowing this man to stay standing, then nine others just stared at me, unable to do anything. "I'm looking for someone, mind helping me."

"For a child of the High Sovereign, I would do anything." I conjured a black spike into the man's chest, impaling and killing him, I let his body hand there, then I turned to the closest soldier to me, it was girl, she seemed to be in her twenties.

"Let's try that again." I said, looking at her, she had blue eyes with long black hair, no helmet, actually, none of them had helmets, but she was wearing the usual black armor. "I am no child of Agrona, I am a Vritra, but not Agrona's."

I released my grip on the girl's body, allowing her blood to move freely, and motioned for her to stand. "I-I am sorry." She said looking at the man I had just killed. "He didn't know what he was talking about, my name is Rye, Rye of Blood Himitry." She spoke with a scared tone; I nodded my head.

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