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(One Week Later)

Virion Leywin

I was in the forest outside the estates, alone, sitting against a tree, just taking in the fresh air. It was early in the morning, but no one was asleep, they were all up and about, I didn't really say where I was going, but I am sure they aren't worrying.

Scythe Seris wasn't here, she left yesterday, she had to go into the Central Dominion for something, I forget what, I was thinking of tagging along, sending a clone there to cause chaos, kill whoever he could, but it would blow Seris's cover, revealing that she was working with me. I didn't know how long it would last, our safety here, she has visitors here at times, what if one shows up while we are here, out in the open.

If that did happen, I would just kill them, but still, their death would reveal that something was happening here, and the device Seris is making to capture the Sovereign of this region wasn't done yet. I told her we didn't need it, but we did, a shield that strong was important to have in the future, so we couldn't just simply kill the Sovereign like I suggested.

'Here you are cranky pants.' Hades said, slithering up to me in his small form, his little snake like form. 'What's the plan for today? Are you just going to sit here?' Hades slithered into my body, entering my blood stream.

'Probably not.' I said, turning my head toward the mansion. 'I can feel someone coming this way, but I'm surprised my mother is leaving the mansion to enter this forest alone, it's not filled with mana beast, but there are some.'

'She knows that you won't let anything happen to her.' Hades thought to me, and I nodded, that was true, I was already sensing for mana beast, but there weren't any close to us, so she was fine, and I wasn't that deep in the forest anyways. 'I did find a cave of some sorts about half a mile out, I didn't get to look through it, but it was hidden by fallen debris, could be something of interest.'

'Have fun investigating it.' I told him. 'I don't really care.' I stood up from underneath the tree and turned to where my mother was coming from, and started walking over to her, she didn't see me yet.

'You are no fun!' Hades thought to me as I got closer to my mother, coming into her view, she started to smile as her eyes examined me. 'I'll do it later tonight, when you are thinking alone in your room about killing Agrona and Kezess.'

'Good for you.' I said, then spoke up to my mother. "Mom, what are you doing out here?"

She opened her arms as she stepped up to me. "To see you." My mother pulled me into her arms, giving me a hug. "How did you sleep last night?" I didn't sleep, all I could think about was killing Agrona and Kezess like Hades said, there was also the fact that whenever I closed my eyes to sleep, an image of Sylvie's corpse played in my mind.

"Good." I lied to her as we separated from each other. "Did you really come out here to ask me that?" I asked, wondering if she had something important to tell me, or if she just wanted to see me, I bet it was the latter one though.

"I just wanted to see you, and make sure you ate something." She said with a worried expression, she knew me so well, she then proceeded to ask. "You didn't sleep again, didn't you?" I felt a smirk form on my face as I looked at the ground. "Veer, you need to rest, you won't be able to function if you don't."

I think in the last seven days, I slept a total of five hours, and she knew it because I would leave my room and find a place to relax and think, sometimes coming out here, sometimes sitting in the kitchen, one night, Seris caught me up, told my mother to talk to me the next day, and it resulted in me telling her the truth about my sleep schedule.

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