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I followed Elder Rinia's blood signature to a small opening inside of one of the tunnels, and when I entered, inside was a small kitchen, decorations, or, I guess they are more like supplies of medicine aligned the wall, and in the middle of the room on a chair was Elder Rinia, her eyes glazed over, but she was looking at me.

"It's good to see you again, young one." Elder Rinia spoke as she laid back in the chair, I walked up in front of her, and went to conjure a seat made out of stone, but she held up a hand. "Please, do not destroy my floor."

"It's good to see you again too." I said sarcastically, conjuring a chair of ice, sitting down across from her. "You probably already know why I am here." I told her, tilting my head as I examined her, thinking about what the real me wanted.

"Yes, and I can tell you, the one reason is not going to work for you." She told me. "Do not take my blood, your healing will not save you from the side effects that my magic has." I sighed a little, wanting her deviant abilities, but knowing that the side effects make you older. "The other reason, you want to know how things are doing, right?"

"Of course." I said, then went on. "I am a little upset that you don't think I should absorb your abilities, but I'll take your word, you know better than me." She did, I was a Vritra though, that's why I thought it may be possible for me to absorb it. "I want to know if what I am doing is what you mean."

"I can't tell you that." She told me. "You know that too." I nodded, she knew things, but never spoke about it because if she says it, she thinks it won't happen. "I can tell you a few things, I understand you know now that you are a Legacy, and want you have planned for Tessia, I'll admit, was brilliantly done."

"I appreciate it." I said, taking her place was my goal, and it appears as if I did just that. "You basically told me to become a Devil, and I mean, I think even if I didn't want to be one, I would have ended up becoming one."

"Well, I'll say, I didn't say become a Devil, I said, abandon your old beliefs." I looked at her, no expression on my face, but I was thinking that means the same thing. "I can't say that you are going down the right or wrong path, but you need to know something."

"Please, tell me." I said to her, this was why I came.

"Eventually, you'll have to decide something, and that decision will decide all our fate." She started, giving me a serious look now. "I know you just lost the girl you loved, but understand, everyone loses people." I felt anger from this, but she's right. "I can't say what the decision is about but know that it will decide everything."

"Isn't that what a decision is?" I asked, shaking my head at her, not really understanding what she meant, I understood, I mean, it didn't really help. "That really didn't need to be said, you know that, right?"

"Haha, you need to take in everything I say." She told me, and I nodded, I get it, everyone loses people, I need to be okay with it, but I wasn't. "Virion, my child, you need to know, that abandoning your old beliefs can mean different things, is that clear?"

"Yes." I said, not knowing exactly what she meant, but I got the idea. "Is there anything else you can tell me?" I examined the elf, seeing if I could get any more information out of her.

"Be nice to your family." She told me with a grin. "They are just trying to do what is best for you, know that." I nodded, and she went on. "The asuras are not going to be happy with you, all of them, Agrona and Kezess."

"I bet." I leaned back in my chair, crossing my legs slightly. "You see, I don't really like them."

"I think we know that." She grinned. "The boy who defied the gods, both you and your brother, truly, but I will give you heads up, the dark void I saw coming, the moment I can't see past, it is approaching, not within this year, this year is where your decisions and your brother's decide our fate, but in the coming future, that void will be here."

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