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"Arthur, is he really gone?" She asked me as I got closer. "Why would he do this?" I took in my bond, hugging her, feeling the sadness she was feeling. Elder Virion was looking at me as I hugged Sylvie.

"I'm sorry, Sylvie." I told her, but what Veer said before he left, that he had to do what he did. I was thinking that he did it to make sure Tessia didn't turn into Cecillia, but he told me that Tessia didn't die when her body is taken over, so there wasn't a need to kill her.

How was I going to tell our parents? Will they blame me for everything?

"Arthur, are you okay?" Elder Virion asked me, I could see that this hit him hard. I shook my head while I held Sylvie in my arms, my bond still crying her eyes out, both our emotions mixing together, but they were basically the same ones.

We all stood in the hallway, silently, thinking about what had just happened. "Should I search for him?" Aya asked, looking back at the teleportation gate hallway. "Maybe I can find him, bring him back, tell him he is wrong."

"No." Elder Virion told her. "We have a war to fight, and I don't think you'll find him, he's too smart." We know the next battle is in Etistin, the next major battle at least, he could be going there, but that is too simple. "Arthur, I advise you to break the news to your parents, we have to figure out our next move, we just lost our strongest mage."

"No, we didn't." Bairon spoke up for my brother. "Your brother said he was going to do things his way, that doesn't mean he is done fighting in the war, and from what I know about him, that only means he's going to wreak havoc somewhere."

"But our plans can't rely on him." Elder Virion was right, we had no clue what he had planned next. "You may be right though; I don't think he is done in the war." That was what scared me, even with the cure, his mind is unstable, who knows what he'll do.

'Sylvie, let's get you to my room, then I'll go and see my parents.' I thought to her, trying to get her to rest, my heart was still pounding in my chest at the loss of Veer. I didn't get a response, but she released me, and walked pasted Elder Virion, and I followed her. "I'm going to bring her to my room, then see my parents." I told Elder Virion, then joined Sylvie at her side.

My thoughts went from Veer, to him getting tortured, to him bringing back Sylvia's mana core, and the staff that can grant people runes. My little brother got tortured close to death, just to get these two items, knowing they would help us.

'We'll see him again, right?' Sylvie asked me, looking up at me with her golden eyes that were red from crying. 'Arthur, I thought he loved me, he said he did, but why would he leave then?' I felt my heart ache from that question, but it's been hurting all day, the girl I loved was dead.

'He did it because he loves you.' I answered her. 'I-I assume we will see him again, probably soon." He wasn't going to hide himself from the upcoming battles, we knew that. 'I also have my speculations on everything.'

'What do you mean?' She asked me questioningly.

'Veer loved Tess like a sister, he told us he had to do it, and that in time we would understand.' I paused, thinking about my brother, then went on. 'He killed her to make me get stronger, I call bullshit. Either I am over thinking all of this, and he truly did do what he said, or this is all a ploy as well.'

'A ploy to make everyone hate him?'

'Who hates him?' I asked her. 'Everyone feels sorry for him, they know that he is mentally ill, his mind is unstable. Veer is clever, we all know it, most of the time he knows what we are going to do, before we do it, it happened today, he predicted everything, and outplayed us.'

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