An Expected Betrayal

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Sylvie Indrath

My eyes opened, and before me was my loving father. "Dad?" I asked suspiciously, not believing what I was seeing. "W-what is going on?" I looked around the room slowly, not really knowing what was going on, the last thing I remembered was being stabbed in the chest by that kid around my age from Dicathen.

"You are safe, Sylvie." He ran a hand through my hair. "I brought you back to life, and I brought you a gift." I looked up into his eyes as his hand laid on my head. "Your mind might be a little foggy right now, but eventually your memories will come back to you, give it time."

"O-okay." I replied, looking down, and around the room, my head was hurting, but it wasn't awful, I could deal with it. "H-how did you bring me back to life? I don't quite understand what's going on, but I'm happy to see you."

"With mana and some tools." He said as he took his hand off my head and pulled out a dagger. "I brought you your killer, Sylvie, the Devil of Dicathen, the one that killed you is here. He doesn't know anything; I am giving you the chance to take revenge." I flinched slightly from hearing that, the Devil was here, but could I really just kill him.

I slowly took the knife, not knowing what I was going to do with it. "H-he's here?" My father nodded his head. "W-hy? I don't understand, I want revenge, but why would he be here dad?"

"I tricked him, and I am going to let you kill him." I felt this anger rise up in my stomach from his words, it didn't feel like regular anger, but I was just brought back into this world. "He won't see it coming, now, child, when he comes in here, don't attack him right away. Let the Devil get closer to you, and when he goes in for a hug, plunge that dagger into his chest."

"R-right now?" I asked, and he nodded his head once again. "I just got back here, what if he kills me again."

"He won't." My father told me, shaking his head as he backed away. "Just be ready, my child, I know you just got back here, but this has to be done now." I felt my heart start to rush. "Make sure to stay calm for as long as you can."

"Okay." I didn't know what was going on, but I knew I could trust him, he was my father, he brought me my killer, he brought me back to life, I owed him everything. I watched as he got to the door, and then slowly opened it, standing in the doorway was a person around my age. His appearance was a little different from the last time I saw him, it was the Devil.

His eyes locked onto mine, not even paying attention to Agrona, and I could feel my anger build up even more from seeing him in person. "Sylvie!" He shouted, and I hid the dagger a little better on my side.


Virion Leywin

"Sylvie!" I said, feeling my eyes start to water as I made my way closer to her. "I'm so happy to see you!" Her eyes seemed different, but I understood, she was just brought back to life, it was probably normal.

"The Devil?" She spoke with a calm voice, but it sounded like she was questioning something. I opened my arms to give her a hug, not even realizing she called me the devil, and as I got in front of her, a dagger appeared in Sylvie's right hand and came flying toward my chest.

Hades shot out of my stomach, smacking the dagger out of Sylvie's hand as I stepped back, looking at the girl I loved in shock, my eyes still watering slightly. "Sylvie? What are you doing?"

"Die!" She said, swinging her hand at my face, I didn't sense any mana to it, she doesn't have control over her mana or aether arts yet. Hades retreated back into my body as I caught her wrist in the air, looking her in the eyes. "Ahhh!" Her other fist came at me, and I caught that one as well.

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