Dwarven Lance Pt. II

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Mica Earthborn

"We are here." I told my fellow dwarves as the Wall came into sight, we left the tunnel we made only an hour ago, the Wall's front gate appeared, it looked the same it did when I saw it last time. "Let me do the talking."

"Okay." Skarn said, while all the other dwarves fell in line, the soldiers in front of the gate saw us and got into battle formation, not recognizing me. "Let's hope this is a welcoming committee."

"It will be." I said. "They don't know I am Mica." I told him, stepping closer and closer to them, I counted ten, all with spears and shields pointed at us, none of them mages, that would be because the mages were at the top of the Wall looking down on us.

"State your name and business here!" The one in the front ordered me, and I raised my hands, motioning for everyone to do the same.

"I am Lance Mica, we are looking for a place to rest, I believe this is still under Dicathen control." After I said my name, their eyes widened in joy, which I think is a good thing, I don't think people working for Alacrya would be happy to see me.

"Lance Mica!" The ten men said, immediately bowing. "Hold your fire!" One of them shouted, raising his hand, then waving for them to open the gate. "Lance Mica has come!" I could hear cheers from within, I could feel the thousand people inside, at least a thousand, there could be a lot more.

"I guess that's a good sign." Hornsfels said, and I peeked at him as Skipper punched him in the arm. "Hey!" He said, and I motioned for them to be silent, and I stepped forward.

"King Trodius will be grateful to see you." The man said, and I froze as they began to walk inside the gates where the people were cheering for me. "He is in his suite at the moment on the fourth floor, but I'll call him down, give me a second."

"King Trodius?" I said to myself, making sure no one else heard, but I could feel the questionable looks from the dwarves behind me. "Thank you, please do." I said, nodding to him, and as we followed the men into the gates, the people clapped and called my name.

"Lance Mica!"

"She's here! She's here to save us!"

"A Lance!"

It felt good to be wanted like this, there were elves, dwarves, and humans here, this was a nice surprise, all of them seem to be working well together. "I am sure the people here would like to hear something from you." A soldier said from next to me, and I stepped up as the gates closed.

"People of Dicathen, it's good to see that a lot of you are still here and fighting." I said, giving them a smile. "I know the battle in Etistin ended the war, it ended everything, but it appears as if Trodius Flamesworth has led you down a successful path." Their eyes widened as I spoke, taking in my words. "I am here to help now; I will defend you to the best of my abilities."

"Yeah!" They started cheering, excited that I was here now to help them. "Lance Mica!" I felt a rush of joy spreading through my body, and that was when a path formed, and in it was a man, an older gentleman, he was wearing some sort of golden crown.

"Lance Mica, welcome." He said, this had to be Trodius. "I am Trodius Flamesworth, I don't think we ever had the pleasure of meeting." He reached his hand out to me, and I took it, giving him a firm handshake.

"I don't think so either." I said, releasing his hand. "We are looking for safety and a place to hold up in." I told him. "This is the last place in Dicathen not under Vritra law, we had nowhere else to go."

"Oh, please, we would be honored to have a Lance here to defend this place." He said, motioning for a man to come over. "Go have a place set up for Lance Mica's men, I am going to go speak with her in private."

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