Etistin Pt. III

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Arthur Leywin

I was standing there with Sylvie, Varay, and Aya as we took in the sight of fog covering the icy layer of the ocean Varay froze. Our army standing before it, waiting for the battle to begin, the ship's steam engines could be heard now, it was any moment.

I had faith in Veer, I was not leaving this field, he had to have planned for something at the Floating Castle. "We are not to attack, the first wave will be handled by the army, then Aya and Arthur, you are to target any mage that seems stronger than the others." Varay told us, then turned to Sylvie. "Lady Sylvie, you are to stay at range, and target the strong mages as well, but with your mana arts."

My bond nodded her head, I wanted to partake in the fight regularly, but this will have to do. A loud noise could be heard in the ocean, it sounded like the ships crashing into the ice, it was time. The adrenaline and fear of battle coursing through me picked up, and I could feel the same thing going on inside of Sylvie.

"Prepare yourselves." Varay said, and then made her way to the front line, she was to lead the charge while we watched. When she got to the front, I could see and sense that all the soldiers were either afraid, or battle hungry, it depended on the type of person. "On my mark!" She shouted, I felt mana starting to build up in the augmenters, the conjurers got ready to launch their spells, and the non mages with bows, pulled back on their bow string. "Charge!" Varay shouted, and it gave me goosebumps.

The soldiers ran, spells were launched, and when they entered the fog that the ice had created, all you could see was the different types of spells being used. The screams of death violent, even from far away, this was the type of battles my old world tried to avoid.

"Oh my." Aya said, her type of magic should be favored in this battle. The fog was already there for her, she didn't need to use illusions. "I can't wait to get involved." I sat down and watched, Aya and Sylvie sat beside me.

I could see Sylvie looking around the field as everyone watched the front line with intent, knowing sooner or later, they were going to be up there fighting as well. "Same, but we have to wait, having more than one Lance up there at a time, could hurt our own troops."

"I know, I'm just saying." Aya said, the battlefield on the ice was about one hundred yards in length, troops could be seen entering the fog, and disappearing. The most visual spells were the fire ones, they could be seen easily, but I could sense that since Varay was fighting on ice, she had quite an advantage, she was slaughtering them with ease, bringing countless swords and spears out of the ground, and into their soldiers. The blue mana was lighting up everywhere, it was all I could see, but I knew what she was doing.

"I still haven't spotted Veer." Sylvie said, that was why she continued to look around at everyone. She was looking for my brother, he will be here, I just don't know when.

"He'll show up." Aya said, answering her before I could. "Let's just absorb mana and wait until it is our turn like we are supposed to." I didn't have Sylvia's Will activated yet, I was waiting until I had to fight, I knew I had to conserve my mana for this fight. This wasn't their whole army; it really wasn't even their army.

'I'm worried.' Sylvie thought to me.

'About Veer?'

'No, we both know that this is a losing fight, even with Aya here, it really changes nothing, even with Aya and Veer, it changes nothing. We are outnumbered right now, and their other army isn't even here. Should we have truly just stood silent, a lot of people are going to die if that other army shows up, you know that.' Sylvie lectured me, but I did know, and I tried to come up with ways to stop them from coming.

My Beginning After the End DownfallHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin