Welcoming Arms

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One Months Until Victoriad

Melody Tremaine

I was sitting in the room with Cassandra and Raven, we were just chatting, waiting for something to come up. We got word from the Virion clone that there was a chance we were going to have to send someone to the Elven Kingdom to meet someone.

Raven was an artificial asura, but she was very nice, not like the ones we've seen so far. She was also strong, then again, all of them are strong, the only one not out of their blood pod is Ivy, but that's because we were waiting to see if the real Virion was coming back, which he better, I'll be heartbroken if he doesn't.

"Melody." Raven said my name. "Why did Virion leave you in charge?" She asked me, and I gave the girl with purple hair a confused look, wondering why she would ask something like that. These creations that Virion made are only two weeks old, but they have memories and thoughts from blood magic implanted in them, so they are both a child and an adult, it's hard to say which.

"I don't know." I answered her, shrugging. "I think it is because he trusts me." That was the only thing that came to mind, I wasn't strong, I wasn't super smart, but I would do anything for him.

"That's what I thought." She answered, looking at the two of us. "Why aren't we just retaking this continent now? If we each go to a city, we could take it with ease, even if we leave Damon in the bunker for the time being, the four of us could do it."

"We don't want to reveal everyone just quite yet." Cassandra told her, answering for me. "We want to keep the army a secret for as long as we can, and even if we send the four of you that are here, holding the city for a long time might be hard."

"But we could hold it." She responded. "Each of us could kill fifty thousand troops with ease, and we know they won't send any Retainers or Scythes, they won't use the Wraiths, it's seems like a good idea to just take the continent."

"You may be able to retake it by kill the troops, but how many Dicatheons would die as well from the destruction." I told her, thinking about the people in the cities that are enslaved. "Just wait a little, Raven, I know you want to leave this place. I know all of you do, but for now we have to lay low."

"Uhhh, fine." She was like a teenage girl, annoyed with our answer. "I just want to kill someone; I have our father's thoughts." Raven's red eyes glared at the ground, then they relaxed as they looked up at me. "If we are sending anyone to get Aldir, you have to send me."

She moved her purple hair to the side as it swayed into her eyes, and I nodded my head. "Yes, I was going to send Nithe and you, it's going to be risky, so Virion only wants to send two of you." If Aldir didn't do what we wanted, they were given orders to take him out, he abandoned the Asuras, but he still was our enemy. "I know Rosa wanted to go as well."

"Just send all three of us." She told me with a smile, she really wanted to fight, just like Virion. "We'll take him down if he doesn't listen to us." I shook my head. "You want to lay low, but if Nithe and I go, it'll expose us anyways."

"No, it won't." Cassandra told her. "You'll be fighting in the middle of nowhere where corpses are burnt to ashes, no one will be there to witness it. If we send all of you, and Aldir is too strong, there's a chance all three of you die."

"I guess, you are right." Raven said in sadness. "Should I go and get Nithe then?"

"No." I shook my head, knowing that he was on his way. "He was told to come here after he did something, but Raven, let him do the talking, out of everyone, he is the most mature." She rolled her red eyes, crossing her legs under the table, then looked away from me, proving my point. "We could also send Reapers, but Virion did say he wanted you two to test your abilities."

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