A Legacy

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Seris Vritra

"What is that?" I pointed at the creature currently looking at me, coming out of Virion's shoulder. It was red and black, it looked like some sort of snake as it grew out of him, its eyes tracking my every movement.

"Well, remember when I was talking about my acclorite?" The boy said, looking at the creature on his shoulder. "This is it? His name's Hades, he's a serpent of blood, oh, and he can talk."

"What's good?" The creature said, catching both my Retainer and I off guard. "Why the faces? You've never seen a talking serpent before?" This kid just keeps surprising me.

"When did this all happen?" I asked the child, Cylrit was still examining the creature, but I knew in that moment, that it was dangerous, maybe not to me, but I could sense a powerful aura coming off of it.

"Last night." Virion said nonchalantly. "I was going to tell you two, but I ended up going to be pretty early." The creature vanished back into Veer's body, sinking into his skin, and it looked like it had zero effect on Virion.

"Virion, there has been some changes in the war." I told the child, I knew if I held this information from him, I would never be able to gain his complete trust again. The battle in Etistin is about two days away, but there have been slight channges made to Agrona's plan, and he needed to know of them.

"Oh, what changes?" He asked me, and I turned to Cylrit, my Retainer only watched me, knowing what I was about to tell Virion would cause him to panic.

"You told me that you knew Cadell was going to attack the Floating Castle." I started speaking, hoping not to anger the child. "Agrona is prepared to give your brother an offer, in that offer, if he would decline, instead of sending Cadell, he is going to send a team of Wraiths." I could see the boy's eyes widen in what looked like fear, then it quickly vanished.

"Is that it?" I nodded my head, and the boy who somewhat looked like me now with his pearl hair shrugged. "It changes nothing, the only place I want to be is in Etistin, that is the real battle, if I was there, Seris, I would be able to give us a better chance at victory."

I shook my head at the boy, knowing he truly believed that. "Cadell will now be leading the second army, with the help of Scythe Dragoth, Nico, and Melzri's Retainer Mawar. You wouldn't stand a chance against them, even in your strongest form, taking them on would mean death."

"But I would have the help of both Lance Varay, Arthur, and Lance Bairon." He smiled at me. "You know, I could go back, with your permission of course, and if I get in trouble, I'll activate this phoenix bracelet, and teleport back here."

"That is too risky." I told the boy, not wanting to see him die, and not wanting to see him break down more. "The battle in Etistin is lost already, Virion, you know this, I don't want to explain it to you again."

"I know." He said sadly, looking at the ground now. "Then you should know something else, I have another white core clone I didn't tell you about. It's currently hiding out in some ancient mages camp with some other people, it'll be going to the castle to save my parents." Virion smiled, and I had no clue where this was going, he was talking about the ancient mages who lived here centuries ago. "The Wraiths will die, it doesn't matter who he sends, I rigged the place to kill whoever he sent."

"What?" I said questioningly, trying to comprehend this kid.

He waved his hand at me, then smiled brightly. "I knew I couldn't be in two places at once, well, two places at once with my full strength, a white core clone isn't as strong as me, so I had to make up for it. I was planning on fighting in the battle at Etistin, and then having a clone take down Cadell, but I guess killing a team of Wraiths is better." He was speaking like they had already died. "I didn't plan on winning the battle in Etistin, but I knew I could deal another large blow to his army."

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