Execution Pt. III

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Varay Aurae

I was on my knees in the cell, no longer shackled as the mana collar around my neck dug into my body, which prohibited me from using any mana. I was only tortured and beat that one day, ever since then, the Scythe hasn't visited me, the only people who came to see me were the people who fed me.

I knew my execution was in two days, I didn't know what was going to happen, anything could, and nothing could, it was going to up to the people out there. I had no mana, there was nothing I was able to do, I was completely under their mercy.

If Virion showed up, I would feel bad if he ended up being captured trying to save me, but then again, if anyone could save me, it would be him. I don't think anyone else can come into Etistin and survive rescuing me.

I wonder what is going on out there, I haven't been told much, only that I was to die in the coming week, so I was in the dark. The sound of footsteps could be heard down the hall, so I got up on my knees, and looked at the cell bars, not knowing who was coming, if anyone was coming.

The sight before me was a man around my age, dressed in black battle robes, with horns on the top of his head. "Lance Varay, it is nice to meet you." The man said, but I had no clue who he was, only that he was a Vritra.

"Vritra." I said, looking at him with a nasty expression.

"My name is Cylrit." He was the one who fought Aya in Zestier, I remember her telling me his name, but I thought he was supposed to be in Darv, not Etistin. "I need to speak to you about Virion Leywin."

"Tch, I'm not talking." I told him, giving him a stern look, making sure he knew I was serious. "Hopefully, they let me die, I don't want to be the reason that child is captured." The Retainer examined my face and nodded his head.

"It's good to know that you care for the boy." He spoke, looking into my eyes, I would say the aura he exerted didn't even come close to the one Viessa exerted. "I have no intentions of hurting him, or helping with his capture, I am here to help him." Cylrit paused and actually looked at me sorrowfully. "Unfortunately, I can't help you, I am here to stop Virion from showing up."

"Why do you care about Virion?" I asked, somewhat believing him now, he seemed to actually care about Virion. "It doesn't make any sense, why wouldn't you want him to come here? This is the perfect place to capture him, is it not?"

"It is." Cylrit said. "But believe it or not, I actually like the kid, I want, what is best for him." I just stared, utterly confused now by the Retainer's words. "Not everyone in Alacrya is your enemy, Lance, some of us are just following orders, but things are going to change in time, I can't stay here for too long, but I am on your side."

"How can I believe that?" I slowly got to my feet, so I was standing before him. "How can I believe those words after everything Alacrya has done? I get it, some of you are following orders, but enjoying yourself after those orders, not caring what happens, that is a different story."

"I don't have much time, and I understand where you are coming from, but I need to know if you Virion has anything planned." Cylrit said. "I need to know if he is going to be here when you are getting executed, if so, he is going to need a miracle to get the two of you out alive, he is, because otherwise, Agrona will get what he wants."

"Who is here?" I asked. "I heard the one Retainer speaking, he said that the two battle unit were here." The Retainer looked down the hall, seeing if anyone was coming, or listening, and then took a step closer towards the cell bars.

"There are ten Wraiths, Vritras, they have been sent here to capture Virion at all costs." The Retainer looked at me grimly. "After what he did to Cadell and Dragoth, Agrona isn't risking anything anymore, he wants to obtain Virion now."

My Beginning After the End DownfallOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora