The Start of the Downfall

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Inside the Council room, was the entire council, Arthur, Sylvie, Lance Varay, Lance Bairon, what a nice guy, and me. I have been with Lance Aya, planning the defense of Zestier this whole time, of course it was a clone there, but she knew it was a clone.

I actually had all my white core clones heading there, the rest are not, like my spy in Darv, which was pretty much useless, since it didn't have any mana, it was going to dissolve soon. At the moment, we were discussing the future, and where the Lances should be placed.

King Glayder was speaking, looking at me. "Virion, how has your defense on Zestier been?" He asked, and everyone inside of the room turned to me, seeking an answer. I was standing next to Sylvie since there weren't any seats available.

"I heard from Lance Aya that everything is being set up now." King Eralith said. "She told me that you have been of great help inside of the Forest, I thank you." I sent the King of the Elves a smile.

"King Eralith, I am an Elven Lance, so of course I want to help out there." I knew this would sting a little for King Glayder, but it needed to be said. He speaks as if he is responsible for everything that I do, but I was not a Human Lance. Queen and King Eralith returned my smile with one of their own.

"Lance Varay will be sent to Etistin to help reinforce it." Elder Virion interrupted the current conversation and brought up something else. "We don't know what could happen, but Etistin will be our final stand if it comes down to it."

"I agree." Both Kings agreed, even though it was hard for King Eralith. The ships should be spotted any day now, or maybe it is after the Wall, I don't know for sure, but to be honest, I don't really have a plan for that.

The more and more I think about it, the less I feel like we can win at our current strength, even with the knowledge of the enemy coming. I don't see how we win, obviously, in a fight of pure strength, we would get swallowed up, we knew that from the beginning, but even if we are smarter, I don't see how we are put into a position to take them down.

"Lance Bairon, you are to remain here." Elder Virion said. "You will be the Lance on guard, Arthur, Virion, you are going to be sent out once again in about a week or two." We knew this, the attacks were happening soon. "Arthur, you are going to the Wall, and Virion, you are going to go to Zestier for real, your clones will need you." The two of us nodded our heads, knowing already that was what we were doing. "Lady Sylvie, you will be going with Arthur, correct."

Everyone turned to Sylvie, and she answered. "Yes, I'll be going to the Wall." She shot me a side eye, and then everyone turned back to Elder Virion.

"Now, I have some bad news for you two." Elder Virion was looking at Arthur and me. "We need to discuss the Twin Horns, I know you want to protect them, and I won't place them at the Wall, but you have to understand that they are one of the strongest groups in Dicathen, and keeping them away from battles hurts us."

Arthur spoke up immediately. "But you said that them fighting in the war was a bad idea in the first place, if our parents get captured, or even killed, it's over." I nodded silently, knowing that if they died, and I was in Alacrya, it would probably lead to my death, because the real me would probably start a riot, trying to kill Agrona.

"I know, it's hard Arthur, but your parents can handle themselves, and I can't force them to abandon the war." Elder Virion said. "I was thinking of moving them to Zestier, to help you Virion."

"Nope." I said, shaking my head, knowing Arthur felt the same. "Can I suggest something?"

Elder Virion looked at me skeptically. "Are you asking me to speak? Is everything okay?"

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