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Nico Sever

"How are you feeling?" I asked Cecilia as she sat there on the ground, it's been about three days since Virion and Cadell left, I was happy he wasn't here at the moment, I still don't trust him, no one should, but for some reason, Agrona is.

"I feel great." Cecilia said as her eyes looked into mine, she truly was a splitting image of Tessia, I don't understand what Virion meant when he said he grew the body, but I can't complain about that at least. "I think I am in light yellow, or mid yellow, it is hard to say." She didn't know the system that well, the one here is a little different from Dicathen, but since she can manipulate mana on a whole other level, she made her own core and is advancing at an alarming rate.

"You should be in silver core by the end of the week, that is good." I told her with a serious face on, it was still weird to be around her, but it was a good weird. "How are your memories? Did they all come back to you?"

"I think." She responded, and I know Agrona messed with them, but it was for her own good. "Where is Agrona?" When he isn't here with us, he is either in his room or the lab working on something involving Virion's blood magic.

"I don't know." I responded, shaking my head at her. "Do you want to call it a day? I can take you back to your room and you can relax if you want?" I wanted to speak with Agrona, I needed to know exactly what he had planned for Cecilia and Virion, he's told me a little, but he is always keeping secrets.

"Yeah, I think that might be for the best." She held out her hand and I helped her to her feet. "Nico." She said my name, catching my attention, I released her hand, feeling slightly uncomfortable for some reason, and she spoke some more. "Can you tell me a little more about the child named Virion?"

"Huh?" I looked at her slightly confused. "Why do you want to know about him?" I didn't feel comfortable telling her who Virion truly was, but she does have the right to know what he can do, there may come a time when they fight it out.

"I think the fact that Agrona, even you, look at him with hungry eyes, like you want to use and kill him, is weird." She told me, then went on. "I want to know what is so special about that twelve-year-old boy, it doesn't really make sense to me, that is all."

"Fine." I said as we started to walk towards the stairs. "Virion is known as the Devil, you know that." She nodded her head, so I went on. "The full title is the Devil of Dicathen."

"Like in the other continent?" I nodded my head. "Does that mean he is from there, or they fear him that much?"

"He is from Dicathen." I could see her eyes widen slightly from that fact. "He was our enemy, and most likely still is, but for now, Agrona and him are teaming up to take the Asuras down." I haven't told her about Grey yet, I couldn't, it hurt bringing all of that up.

"Oh." Cecilia said, thinking about something as we descended down. "This Virion kid is our enemy then?"

"Not exactly." I answered. "For right now, he's our ally, but I don't know how long that will last." I wanted to hold her hand as it swung by her side, but I couldn't, it was too hard for me to grab it. "Whatever you do, don't trust a thing he says, Virion is a liar, he is very clever, and will do what he must to survive."

"But he is twelve." She said, wondering how he could be this strong. "How can he be such a problem for Agrona and you? I don't understand how this child can be a threat, I know, I am new to this world, but I am just trying to comprehend everything."

"I know, Cecil, I'm telling you though, Virion is a very dangerous individual." We reached the floor where the rooms were, and we started to walk down them. "Just be careful around him, who knows what he might try."

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