The Legacy

480 39 5

Virion Leywin

"Hmm." I made a noise as Agrona, Nico, and I stood in the laboratory, laying on the table before us was Tessia's body, a body I grew. "I'm not the only one that finds this weird, right?" I said, looking at the two of them. "I know I am the one who created this masterpiece, but still, this is fucking weird, right?" Tessia's body had clothes on it, I had Cassandra dress it, because truth be told, the clones there found it quite disturbing leaving the body there undressed.

"It's not weird." Nico said, that fucking perv, of course, he thinks like that. "Agrona, come on, bring her here." Agrona's eyes were wide in joy as he looked down at Tessia's body. "Bring Cecilia back to me."

"Naa." I shook my head, feeling slightly disturbed by this. "I agree with Nico, get this shit over with, I'm tired of looking at a lifeless body." I told Agrona, this body didn't have a core, so she was going to have to form it, which shouldn't take long for a Legacy.

"Patience, you two." Agrona told us, holding up a hand to us. "I'm surprised the two of you are agreeing on something." I was standing beside Nico at the moment, and our eyes met, then snapped away from each other. "That's more like it."

'I'm with you, this is mad weird.' Hades said. 'I know you have five more beings like this, but they actually have cores and stuff, plus Sylvie's body, but this is mad weird.' I could feel Hades's disgust in my body.

"You two need to leave the room." Agrona told us. "Go wait in the hallway until I am done." I didn't even care, fuck this, I was in a loss of words, so I made my way to the exit. Nico hesitated, then followed, he probably wanted to stay in the room, he wanted to be there when Cecilia came back to life.

I got into the hallway and leaned against the wall, Nico stood there in the center, eyeing me up. "What the fuck do you want?" I said questioningly, looking him in the eyes, ready to kill him if he said some bizarre shit.

"Nothing, Devil." Nico said with a cold tone, his aura pushing out like usual, but doing nothing to me. "I thought you would have put up more of a fight, but it seems you want revenge on the Asuras that badly."

"Well, you know, they are after me, and they did kill like millions of elves, so, yeah, I want revenge." I told him, rolling my eyes. "Listen, Nico, I have nothing against you, but you do piss me off, so just watch you say." I leaned my head against the wall, knowing Agrona was probably messing with Cecilia's mind in there.

"Or what?" Nico asked, looking at me with a serious expression.

'Don't.' Hades thought to me as I stood up off the wall and conjured an ice dagger.

"Or what?" I said, looking at him confused. "I'll fucking gauge your eyes out and feed them to you, that's or what." I dispersed the dagger and noticed that Nico backed away from me slightly. "You are crazy questioning me like that."

"Settle down." Cadell's voice rang out, and I swung around to the approaching figure, his eyes tracking my movements. "Devil, what's going on in there?" He asked me, speaking like we were friends, we weren't.

"Why didn't you ask me, Cadell?" Nico asked his fellow Scythe. "I am more your ally than this brat." I conjured an ice dagger, felt a hand coming for my shoulder, and allowed it to stop me.

"Cadell, take your hand off me so I can feed him his eyes." I told the Scythe, turning to meet his eyes, Nico was against the wall of the hallway now. "You heard him, I am no ally, I'm not backing down from a fight."

"You and I both know he isn't worth your time." Cadell said, he said this with a serious face, and I felt a smile forming on my face, he just made fun of his fellow Scythe like it was nothing, I knew their relationship wasn't anything special, but it was funny.

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