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(Day of the Battle)

Ellie Leywin

I was sitting inside of my room alone, today, today was a big day. The battle for Etistin and Dicathen will start, and my brother, or brothers will be fighting in it. There are other people I care dearly about as well fighting in it like the Twin Horns, but they aren't fighting with my parents.

It's been a rough week for them. My mother doesn't stop crying, there will be times when she does, but that is only when she is sleeping. Dad and I do what we can to help her, but that idiot Veer really did a number on her.

I still can't believe he killed Tessia, it doesn't make any sense though, why did he do it? There is no reason for him to kill her, she loved our brother, and loved us, I was happy Arthur and her were together. He killed her, and now is on the run from us, and all we want to do is help him. My little brother has gone insane, he should never be allowed to fight again, I still can't believe him.

"Eleanor!" Someone shouted from outside the door, it sounded like, was that Commander Virion? "Can I come in, child?" My eyes widened, and I quickly stood up facing the door.

"Yes, you can." I said, and the door opened, walking inside was the old elf who was leading us in this war, the one who helped raised Veer and Arthur.

I went to bow, but he stopped me. "There is no need for that Eleanor." He said, and I looked at him, wondering why he had shown up here. "I've come to see how your family is doing, the battle will be starting in an hour or two."

"Oh, I am fine, if there is anyone who you need to check up on, it's my mother." I told him honestly, knowing the last time I saw her, she was laying on the couch, not moving, not doing anything except thinking about Veer. "Losing Veer has done a number on her, she knows he isn't dead, but still..."

"I understand, nothing is more valuable than a mother's love, Virion's departure has been hard on everyone. We could have really used him in this upcoming battle, even if he shows up, I don't know what to expect from him." Commander Virion was right, with how crazy he was becoming, his actions couldn't be predicted.

"I am so sorry about Veer." I told him, and he waved it off.

"What Virion did was not your fault, dear, know that." He motioned for me to follow him. "Come with me, let's go see your parents." I did as he said, and I followed him out of my room and into the hallway. "We will see Virion again, and we will rescue him." A soldier with full silver armor was walking our way.

"I know, and I will hit him for everything he has done." I told the Commander, and even in this dark time, he stifled a laugh. "I can't believe what that idiot did." The soldier stopped five yards from us, and bowed, Elder Virion shot him a head nod, and we walked past him.

The thing was, our eyes met, and for some reason, I felt like I knew that soldier. "I don't know what his reasons were, but I don't see why he did what he did, Tessia loved him like a brother, we all love him. I just don't understand his actions."

We stopped in front of the door to my parents' room, nothing could be heard, but I knew they were not sleeping. "Commander, you should not speak of Virion while you are in here, it will only cause my mother to cry more." He nodded his head, and I spoke up again. "Mom, Dad, we are coming in."

I pushed the door open, standing in front of the bed, folding clothing was my father, my mother on the couch, motionless. "Ellie, oh, Commander Virion." My father bowed to us, but really only to Commander Virion. "Is there something wrong."

My mother stood up and bowed as well, but it was a very lazy bow. "Commander." She said with a sad tone, her eyes were red, so I walked over to her while the Commander spoke.

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