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"Dammit!" I said as Cylrit won the game of Sovereign's Quarrel. We were sitting in some sort of living room inside of Seris's Estate, we had just eaten dinner, and Seris told me she had something for me, it just wasn't ready yet. "You are too good at this game."

"You'll figure it out eventually." Cylrit assured me, placing the pieces back where they belong. "You are moving your strikers to far too early, leaving a lot of openings for me" I only shrugged, the game was fucking complicated, and I didn't care enough to develop strategies.

I got up off the couch I was sitting on and said. "Why won't Seris let me go down into her lab?" I could feel her walking back up here, the amount of mana in use down there was insane though. I wonder what she was doing, I know she develops some sort of shield for her region, but I didn't know if that was what she was working on.

"You are too young." He told me, standing up as well. "How about we play again?" He motioned towards the board, and I shook my head, bored of losing. "We aren't sparring again, if that is what you are thinking."

"I need to figure out these powers though." I told him, it was true, I wanted to spar and use shadow magic, am I considered a Shadow Deviant, I mean, I don't remember if that was what it was called in the novel.

"In time." Seris's voice spoke up as she entered the room, holding some sort of device in her hand. "Sit, both of you, I have what I was working on for you." I sat down on the couch across from Cylrit, and Seris sat next to me, holding the device out to me. "This is a mana emitter, I had it absorbing mana down below, you should be consuming mana on the daily, building your body up, getting it used to this newfound strength."

I started to absorb the mana in the device, and it entered my body so easily. "Thanks." I said, giving her a smile, then continued to absorb more, but noticing the movements in my body that I felt before again, but it consumed more and more of the mana I took it. "Hah, I know for a fact that my acclorite isn't in my forearm, but in my hand, that's strange." I said out loud, more to myself than anyone, slightly confused.

"What?" Seris said, looking at me questioningly. "You said acclorite, what is that?" I guess she wouldn't know what that is, only asuras would, and I am sure Agrona's not telling his stories of the good old days.

"So, for like a month before the war officially started, actually, right before I met Jagrette and you, Cylrit, I trained with an asura in Dicathen, in a cave, he gave me something called acclorite. He shoved it into my hand, and said, in time it will grow to become a weapon that is designed personally for me." I told the Scythe, then tried to explain what I meant. "It absorbs mana that I take it, but I am able to manipulate my blood to form channels so that it doesn't happen, but for some reason, there is something in my forearm region that took in mana just now, then moved near the center of my chest, and did the same."

Seris took in my words, trying to understand them. "Let me get this straight, you were given an asuran weapon to wield." I nodded my head with an innocent smile on my face. "Well, I don't understand that to be honest, but it shouldn't matter, the mana you absorb should be spreading out all throughout your body, your core is no longer the only place that can manipulate mana."

"I know, it's just weird, isn't it?" I said, absorbing more and more mana, then I realized something, I had the mana absorbing ring that Wren made for me in my regular mana ring, so I pulled it out.

"What is that?" Seris asked, and I handed it to her.

"With my blood magic, I can increase the speed my mana enters my body at, but if I do it too fast, my core would burn and hurt, so the asura developed this ring for me, it allows me to do just that, but it has its limits as well." I told her, not holding anything back, there was no need for me to hide information.

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