The Wall Pt. II

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Sylvie Indrath

Albanth spoke up, nodding his head. "If you have a plan to keep my soldier from marching to their death, I am all ears."

"Same." Jesmiya added.

"I would like a moment." Trodius spoke, silencing everyone. "I would love to preserve our troops, but I don't want to change a plan that is based on your feelings."

"That's fair, it is, but don't you think no matter what, preserving the lives of the men here is the highest priority at this stage of the war. The more living soldiers that survive this, the more we can divide them up in future battles." Arthur spoke towards the man, this time, speaking a little more aggressive. "The soldiers' lives are more important than an immovable wall."\

Trodius's eyes narrowed on Arthur, and then he spoke. "This is vital location in the defense of Dicathen, both for Sapin and Elenoir, it took over one year to build the wall, and you think that allowing the horde to attack, so that we can keep more soldiers alive is a good idea, General?" He paused, speaking somewhat rudely to someone ranked higher than him. "What happens if the wall is in shambles and an Alacryan army comes after the horde and attacks us?"

Arthur handled it well, he nodded, and then spoke. "Mages on mages is a better way to hold off the enemy, but against a horde, sacrificing certain locations of the Wall would be much better than sacrificing soldiers."

Trodius tossed Arthur some stick that he was using to move the pieces of where soldiers are located on the map, and then said. "What do you have in mind?"

Arthur started moving pieces, and then said. "This..."


I was currently heading to see Ellie while they began to set up Arthur's plan, Captain Albanth was leading the way, but was not speaking to me. When Ellie came into view, I could see that she was practicing shooting off of the wall.

She looked like she was having fun, which was good, she wanted to join the war so badly at the start, and now she is here, doing just that. "Stella!" Albanth called, and all eyes turned to us, then to me. "Lady Sylvie, Stella here will help you out with anything you need."

"Thank you." I said, giving him a smile, then walked over to the girl named Stella. "I only came to check up on Ellie, that is all." I told her, and she nodded her head, motioning towards Arthur's sister.

"Sylvie?" She said questioningly, then added. "Did Arthur send you up here to make sure I was okay?"

I shook my head no. "I came up here just to check up on you and see what was going on." I spoke honestly, Arthur didn't tell me to come up here, I did it by my own choosing, I wanted to see what it was like. "How's it coming along?"

"Good, watch this!" She exclaimed, pulling back on her bow string, forming an arrow, then releasing it.

"Nice shot." Stella clapped her hands, and the other mages around us nodded as well. "It looks like you are getting the hang of it already, but I guess strength runs in the family."

Ellie smiled, then said. "Thanks!"

"I'm happy everything is going well for you." I told her, and then spoke some more. "I wanted to let you know as well that Arthur is on the ground level, I believe he is training some soldiers, giving them some advice on fighting, if you need him."

"Oh, okay." Ellie nodded her head. "Sylvie, can I see you use some magic?" I tilted my head at Ellie, curious why she would ask. "I heard you were really strong, and I know you are, Veer and Arthur both speak so highly, and I bet everyone here would like to see it as well."

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