The Fall of Zestier

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Aya Grephin

A ball of fire was launched at me, I used wind to deflect it into a crowd of Alacryans, killing them. I swatted a sword away, killed another, and another, behead a girl swinging a sword that had some sort of purple mist on it.

All I could hear was metal on metal, the screaming of the dying was zoned out as I focused on what I had to do. This was for Veer and my Princess; I would kill as many as I could to avenge them if they truly are dead.

I vanished, appeared, drove my sword into the core of a mage, pulled it out, deflected a fist covered in stone, then spun cutting the chest of a soldier, kicking one to the ground, killed another, then swatted an ax to the ground, shot wind through the chest of three other men, and watched as their bodies split into two.

I dodged a sword, dodged another, killed the two soldiers by driving my blade into their chest, and I could see with the help of my mist and the element of surprise, we managed to kill a thousand of their men already.

I need to do more!

I need to push my body to its limit and kill more, I vanished, appearing near the front gate of Zestier where more and more Alacryan troops where entering, this was of course, further away from my force, they were fighting near the center of the city.

I conjured five twisters in the gate, tearing through the soldiers as they entered the city, I let them do their thing, and shot at the ones getting past them, trying to slow the number of troops entering.

I slid my sword into the chest of a mage, his eyes widened, I leaned to the side, dodging another strike from a mage manipulating the earth around him, then ripped my blade out and kill him next. My mind kept on flickering back and forth from the Princess and Veer as I killed soldier after soldier.

A fist came at my face, knocking me back into another Alacryan mage, I swung my sword at no one, but as I did, I pushed wind out of my body pushing the mages back, and some of them onto the ground, and gathered myself.

I wiped the spot that the mage hit me in, and smiled, knowing this could be my end. I deflected a fork of water, dodged an ax thrower, slit the throat of another mage, then vanished right before a sword came down on me.

My sword entered the back of the guy's chest, going right through his core, ripped my blade out and held it up as a spear came down on me, I lifted my foot and drove it into the female's chest, reinforcing my kick with mana, sending her flying into the distance.

I spun to face the other soldier, shooting wind and dodging attacks in the process, fire came rushing at me, moving weirdly. I used wind mana to conjure a wind wall, stopping the flame before it reached me.

I shot at the man who sent the spell, sliding my sword into his chest, and killing him. A black mist ran at me, forcing me to quickly remove my sword and dodge, and I stared at the person who used the spell. "Leave the Lance to me." The person shouted, and the soldiers moved away from me as I just stood there, looking at the Vritra. "Lance Aya, the Elf Kingdom is ours, leave now while you can."

I shot at the Vritra, releasing the twister spells, a black sword formed in his hand, and he swung it at me, I dodged it, then swung my blade at his head, but instead of it going towards him, my sword collided with his own blade.

"This isn't a fight you can win, Lance." His foot collided with my chest, sending me flying away from the two forces fighting. I used wind to keep myself afloat, landing on my feet thirty yards from where the battle was going on at. "Lance Aya, leave, your continent needs you!"

"Why do you care?!" I shot at him, swinging my sword at his head, but again it collided with his blade, and his fist came down on my head, knocking me to the ground, forcing me to roll away from him.

My Beginning After the End DownfallNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ