Running Out of Trust

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Alice Leywin

"Alice! Rey! Eleanor!" Commander Virion said, giving us a wide-eyed look as we stepped through the portal, with him stood Tessia, Lance Aya, Lance Bairon, and King and Queen Eralith. "What a surprise? Are you back for good?"

"We are." Ellie spoke up from beside me, and all eyes turned to her, they started to examine my daughter, noticing the changes to her body. "Boo, go wash up at the stream, oh, and yeah, I am a Vritra now, just like Veer." She told them, causing their eyes to widen slightly.

Boo huffed and puffed as he made his way over to the stream, leaving us, there wasn't anyone around so it shouldn't be a problem.

"Veer told me about that, he said he had plans to turn you into a Vritra, it's just a little hard to believe." Lance Aya nodded her head at my daughter, and I looked around, the portal behind us had vanished, and I didn't see Veer. "You look good, Ellie."

"Thank you." Ellie responded with a smile. "I'm ready to help out in any way I can." I felt a sense of panic, I had no clue where Veer was, and I think Rey was confused now as well, Ellie hadn't noticed it yet, but I think he left us here.

"That's good to hear." Commander Virion said, stepping up to us, making sure he was in front of everybody. "I know you all were informed on the attack by the Asuras, Veer's clone told us, but he also informed us on something else, something he wants us to tell you." Ellie picking up on what was running through my mind, turned around, her eyes darting around looking for Veer. "There's a lot to discuss."

"Where is he?" Rey said with a serious tone of voice, knowing very well that our son did something without telling us. "Commander Virion, just tell us where he is." I could see the looks on all their faces change to one of sorrow, like he was going to be gone for a while.

"Come along." He waved for us to follow him. "There is a lot to talk about, and we shouldn't do it out in public." We were in the middle of the bunker, it was also pretty late, it appeared like everyone was asleep, or relaxing.

They all started to walk away, Ellie followed them, and Rey and I walked slowly behind. "He's got a plan again, and isn't counting us in on it, isn't he?" I said, looking at my husband who walked beside me. "He thinks he needs to do everything himself."

"It looks like it." Rey turned around, taking one last look at where the portal was, then faced forward. "Let's just listen to what Commander Virion has to say, maybe, it isn't anything serious, maybe he's merely taking back a city."

"You make that sound so easy." I told him, for Veer, it probably was. "I'm just tired of him doing this over and over again, leaving us to complete some mission without telling anyone, it's annoying." I shook my head. "And I thought we were over this, I thought he got better, but I was wrong, he still is doing things in secret."

"I'm sorry, Alice." Rey wrapped an arm around my shoulders as we stepped into the council room, I think the fact he's done this so many times, makes it a little easier to accept, but I still need to hear what he is doing, I can't allow my baby boy to get hurt. "I truly am."

"Everyone, please, take a seat." Commander Virion said, motioning for everyone to sit down, I made my way to a seat right beside Rey, Ellie sat in between Rey and Tessia, I was on the edge. "Now, before we start, Veer told us to tell you that this won't be forever, but it has to be like this for now."

"Like what?" I spoke up, looking at him. "Commander Virion, at this point, we are used to Veer doing things like this." He nodded his head, but I could see a very serious face on him, like he was about to change that.

"You heard him, Veer said that Dicathen needed us, that was why we came back." Ellie said, looking from Commander Virion to Rey and me. "He has to be doing something that will help us, right?"

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