Leaving Already

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(One Week Later)

Virion Leywin

It's been a week since Cecilia was brought into this world, I've spent most of my time here in the large room Agrona gave me, but when I wasn't there, I was down in one of Agrona's labs trying to turn humans into Vritras, something I told him I couldn't do, but he thinks otherwise.

I knew that if I wanted to change a human to a Vritra, they either need to be related to me, or needed to have djinn blood, but I didn't tell him that, I wanted him to try and figure this all out, because if I could make people into Vritras, it would be a total game changer.

Cecilia has been alone with Agrona for most of the time, but when she wasn't, she was with Nico, it was obvious that Agrona was messing with her mind, and Nico was just trying to keep her sane, I tried to stay away from her, not wanting to do anything wrong at this moment.

At this very moment, I was in my room, but I was actually heading out, heading to the top of Taegrin Caelum where a battlefield is, it is where Cecilia is going to train at, and me at times, I didn't plan on revealing everything I can do just yet, some of my abilities are a secret, for example, Seris's, some are not, Uto's, Cadell's.

Right now, Cecilia is in mid orange stage of her newly formed core, but the way she commands the mana around her, I'll admit, is far greater than what I can do, but it doesn't matter to be, my control can still somewhat match hers when I use blood magic to enhance my abilities.

If I had to guess, Cecilia will be into silver stage by the end of the week, she's entirely focused on bringing mana into her core, and her body is just accepting it, unlike my abilities that helped me, it appears as if she has no limits, which is bizarre.

I grabbed the door handle to my room and opened it, stepping out into the hallway where two maids were, Agrona sent them to both help me, and spy on me, make sure I don't do anything rash, but I wasn't going to, not yet at least.

I turned away from them and started toward the battlefield on the top of the Caelum, they didn't follow me, most likely knowing that Agrona asked me to meet him there this morning. 'Hades, remember, at some point, we are going to need Agrona's blood.'

'I know.' Hades thought back to me. 'I can do it without him figuring it out, but we should wait until we leave, right now, with your help, he now has the Legacy and you, he's going to want to play with his new toys for a little.'

'That just sounds wrong.' I told him, finding the staircase and stepping up the stairs. 'You are right though, I am going to help Agrona for a little, right now though, he's focused on getting Cecilia stronger, since she didn't have a core to start with, but we did come here to help him, but it also is to help ourselves.'

'I know, you want his help in taking down some of the Asuras, but still, getting his blood later is for the best.' I sent a mental nod to my bond, agreeing with him, getting it now would be too risky. 'I know your children aren't ready, haha, yeah, your children, but why not just take Cecilia now?'

'You know why Hades.' I said, shaking my head as I got to the top of the stairs and exited the staircase into a nice chilly breeze, it felt good though against my face when I wasn't using mana to protect myself. 'We need the Legacy, and he's the only one that knows how to power her up, and we also need a reason for the Asuras to not attack the Dicatheons in Dicathen that were working with me.'

'What if that doesn't matter?'

'Then I'll teleport there and kill whoever they send.' I told him. 'It is still a good seven to eight months before the Victoriad, maybe even a little longer, probably longer, I honestly forget, but we know that's when everything goes down, well, that's if everything goes according to the novel.'

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