Teagrin Caelum Pt. V

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Virion Leywin

I was sitting in a chair, staring at the wall as I waited, Agrona wanted to see me, so they shackled me to a chair, and made me wait for him to show up. I had no clue what day it was, or how long I had been here. I was tortured throughout the day, and sometimes at night, so my time schedule was all messed up.

All I know is that I wasn't in a cell, I was in a different room than before, which for some reason made me excited. The room itself was pretty boring, I mean there was nothing to it, black walls, black floor, black ceiling, no designs, nothing, it was like I was in a different type of cell.

The door swung open, and standing there was Agrona, he was in his normal outfit, one that made him look like a god, gold and silver jewelry hanging from his horns, and dazzling his outfit. "Virion, are you done yet, can you just give up control already?" He asked me, pulling in another chair, and setting it across from me. "Look at you, child, you are hurting yourself for no reason."

It was hard to speak, but I had to. "I have a reason."

"I don't even want to ask what that reason is, I don't want to hear some lame answer like, my family." Agrona said, and I shrugged slowly. "You know, in time, you will break, you have already lost a lot of blood, Virion, and I told them they weren't allowed to kill you, but sooner or later, you may die, and it won't be their fault, but yours."

"Or yours." I said slowly, unable to speak any more than that.

"Well, it looks like they did a good job silencing you, I would have expected some harsh comment, but all I got was that, a shame, really, I enjoyed your attitude, how you held yourself." Agrona examined me, looking at my wounds. "Now, Virion, I have a proposal for you, and if you decline, I have to say, it is going to end poorly for two people you care about."

He had another proposal for me, great, this was going to be like, give me your brain, and I won't kill your parents. This god is smart, but I wasn't dumb, if I gave up my brain, he could send me to kill them.

"I know your family is heading towards Zestier, and your girlfriend, my daughter." He glared at me. "Hold on, one second, you understand that being with her means you are my son, right? You said you knew everything, so I am curious."

"I know." I got out, and then breathed heavily, the feeling of something moving in my arm appeared once again, it was happening more often now, it was weird.

"You would have relations to two of the strongest clans, which I am sure you know, Vritra, and Indrath." I nodded my head at him, and he smiled. "Interesting, anyways, like I said, I know where everyone is, so if you don't give up control, I will kill the people you care about." He paused as he examined my face, it didn't change from hearing what he had just said. "I also will promise, in exchange for your brain and body, I won't kill your parents, and I won't have you kill them either."

I stared at him, and then spoke slowly. "Arthur? Ellie?" I said the names of my other family members, I wasn't going to take his deal, I was just curious, did he intend to kill Arthur.

"Arthur will decide his own fate, your sister will not be touched." He told me, then went on. "I think that it is a great deal for you, your family survives, and you become a high ranking member of the Vritra clan, you will work by my side to create Vritras so that we can defeat Kezess." He held his hands out and said. "What do you say?"

"No." I answered simply, causing him to look at me angrily.

"Huh, Virion, you are crazy, I can see it, sense it, that is a deal anyone would take, they would die to be my right hand man, and you chose to get tortured more instead." He shook his head, trying to wrap his mind around me saying no to him. "Pathetic, I would have expected more from a Lesser like you, but I guess not, I must have been mistaken, it looks like we are going to have to break you even more. I'll tell them to step it up, with bone breaking maybe, or they could take a limb."

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