Start of Part. II

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So for the readers that are seeing this fanfic for the first time, this is the start of the second novel to this series, because there is a 200 part limit, I ended the first.

The first part can be found under - My Beginning After the End - and you can find it by clicking on my name as well. 

I suggest for multiple reasons not to read from this part on until you finish the first novel, you'll most likely be a little confused, but I don't know, maybe you can put two and two together. 

I'm only adding this part to help the readers find this book, and to notify the first time readers of my work that this is the second novel, not the first.

I just finished chapter 60 of this one, so I am incredibly ahead, I didn't mean to, it just kind of happened.

I should also say, if you have questions or suggestions, please message me, I tend not to respond to comments, but I do with private messages.

Be careful what you ask though, I might spoil things for you if I answer the question, so please state if you don't want anything spoiled.


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