A Person

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Virion Lewyin

I was standing in the very small opening inside of the bunker, the only place you can truly use mana without damaging anything, before me stood Tessia, the two of us were using plant magic down here, and she already admitted that I was far above an elite plant user.

"Veer, can I ask you something?" Tessia asked as I conjured a vine out of the ground and had it destroy the target in front of me. I released the spell and turned to her, giving the girl I looked up to as a sister a head nod. "Why haven't you made anyone else into an Asura?" I knew this would be a question at some point from the people in here, it was an obvious one, if I made us all Asuras, we could rival Alacrya with ease.

"I can't." I said, shrugging at her. "Truth be told, I tried already on Alacryans out there, it never works, they just end up dead." I believe, and this was a theory and the truth, the only way it works is if you are a Djinn descendent, but I don't think she knows what that means. "I don't want to risk it on other people in here until I know it works, I couldn't imagine trying it on you and then accidentally killing you."

"Oh." She said, looking slightly disappointed. "I guess that's a good thing, I rather you not kill people in here, but how many people have you experimented on?" Tessia looked at me with a sorrowful look.

"Not many." I answered, the real number was fifty three, but she doesn't need to know that, it appears that control over the blood isn't the only thing I needed, but the fact that they need to be Djinn was needed as well. "I think we are done for the day." A vine shot at me from underneath Tessia and upon reaching my vicinity froze and crumbled to pieces. "Really?"

"I wanted to see if I could catch you off guard." Tessia said, shrugging as she walked over to me. "How is your control over the other elements?" She asked, standing three yards from me now, I held my arms out and black lightning started buzzing all over both of my arms, then the ground beneath me formed into a throne.

"I think I mastered them." I said, letting the lightning tingle my nerves, with this, I was going to be able to move even faster when I combine it with wind and blood acceleration. "Bairon already taught me Thunderclap Impulse, it was the first thing I asked him to teach me."

"That's good, you truly are exactly like Arthur, you are able to learn so fast, I might even say faster than him." She said as she examined the lightning, and then went on. "We really haven't spoken, and I don't want to, but I am sorry."

I released my spells and stood back up, letting the throne crumble, and then suddenly Tessia was hugging me. "What are you sorry about? You didn't do anything to me, at least, I don't think you did." I told her, slightly confused by this sudden hug.

"I am sorry that Sylvie is dead." She said, holding me tight. "I didn't get to hug you afterwards before, and ever since, we have been training, I have been helping you with plant magic, but I never got to say sorry!" What was her deal? Why was she sorry?

"Tessia, if anything, I should be apologizing to you." I said, holding my head on her shoulder as she hugged me. "I was the one who had you here out of harm's way, you have no reason to apologize to me, it wasn't your fault."

"It is." She said, pushing me away, but holding my shoulders, she wasn't crying, but she did have a worried expression. "If I wasn't a target for Agrona, I could have been out there with you, fighting by your side with Arthur."

"Don't blame yourself." I said, feeling my eyes watering slightly. "It's actually not your fault that you are a target, it's, well, it doesn't really matter, but Tessia, just stop, if it was anyone's fault, it was mine for not showing up faster."

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