Execution Pt. II

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Varay Aurae

"Poor Lance." The Scythe in front of me said as I hung on the wall inside of the dungeon underneath Etistin's palace. I was shackled, unable to move, mana collars and cuffs locked on me, making it so I couldn't use mana.

After the battle in Etistin, Bairon and Virion left in one direction, and I went in the other with some soldiers. I was knocked unconscious during the fight on the shore after almost killing their entire fleet, and when I woke up, we were already surrounded, and they killed the men and women who saved me, right in front of my eyes, but they brought me back into Etistin.

I wasn't tortured or anything so far, but I was hanging, helplessly, not able to move, which made it feel like torture. I was helpless, couldn't do anything to stop them from doing whatever they wanted to me.

"No words?" The Scythe tilted her head at me. "I understand, this is hard for you, losing the war, being captured, it must be a challenging time." She spoke, the coldness look to her face, adding a dire effect to the way she spoke.

"What is there to say?" I asked, looking at her black eyes, they were quite a sight, her purple hair that dangled behind her added some color to her pale skin. I could say, without mana to protect me, and feeling her full strength, I don't know if I could survive a fight with her alone.

The thing was, she seemed like a normal person, she was probably considered beautiful to her people, and even to me, I could tell she was slightly attractive, but the aura she radiated did not match the way she looked.

She was in black battle robes that had a hint of purple in them down the sides, it matched her hair, this Scythe truly represented power, a power that I will never obtain.

"That is true." She responded. "If we aren't going to have a conversation, then I might as well let you know why I am here." I just stared into her eyes, showing her, I had already accepted my fate, I wasn't afraid. "You are to be executed among the masses in one week, we will show them what happens to the people who disobey the Vritra law, and starting with you, it will make our point even clearer."

"Tch." I made a noise, shaking my head, the only thing I could really move. "All that will promote is hatred, the people of Dicathen will stand up against you, it is only time." It's been a week since the battle, I know the people are going through a lot right now, but eventually, within time, we will be able to avenge the fallen.

"Oh, you think that is the only reason?" She asked me, or well, I would say she stated, it didn't really sound like a question. "No, no, no, you see, our main goal, and I am going to tell you since, well, you are going to die, it is to capture the boy named Virion Leywin."

"Why?" I asked, knowing that they had already captured and tortured him already, why would they want to do that again? It really didn't make any sense to me, but if I am to die, it won't matter, because I'll be dead.

"Isn't it obvious?" She asked. "You are a Lesser, but you are Lance, you should be a smarter than the others." I rolled my eyes, and she went on. "The boy turned himself into an Asura, you know that, correct?" I shook my head no, I didn't, he did what? "Oh, I see, you didn't know, how hilarious, yes, the child known as Virion Leywin is not a Lesser anymore, he's proven it."

"By taking on two Scythes and surviving?" I asked, knowing he did that at least, but I thought it was just because he was stronger than before, not because he was an Asura. "You are using me to get to him, you think he will show himself trying to save me?"

"Precisely, Lance." She said, smirking at me. "And then, he will be ours, we will be ready for him, that's why at this very moment we are spreading word of your execution all over the continent. When we obtain him, Agrona will have everything he wants, a Legacy capable of creating an army for him."

My Beginning After the End DownfallOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora