Etistin Pt. IV

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Arthur Leywin

The battle had now been going on for hours, we kept on taking turns, but they just kept on coming. Our numbers were slowly diminishing, but we were still fighting. I was told by Varay that contact with the Floating Fortress was lost a while ago, they don't know what happened.

I think Veer did something, he had to of, because if not, I think Agrona would have shown up again in Sylvie and spoke to me. It was Aya's turn out there in the field, Varay, Sylvie, and I were absorbing mana, getting back to one hundred percent.

"Veer hasn't shown up yet, maybe he isn't coming." Sylvie said sadly, but it made sense, if he didn't show up, he probably took care of whoever showed up at the Castle. The only issue was that we lost contact with them, it either means Veer got everyone out of there and fought whoever showed up by himself, or something terrible has happened, and Agrona is just waiting to see if I die in this fight.

"He may not be." I answered her honestly, not knowing if he would be here or not. "We still have our job to do, so stay focused." I turned to Varay, wanting to ask something about the Floating Castle that I didn't before. "Varay, did Bairon tell you the last message Commander Virion gave him?"

"No, he did not, but I know when the battle here started, that was when they lost contact, so they might have attacked the Floating Fortress while they attacked her, it was a distraction. They plan on making this the last fight, I see that now." Varay told me, and I started to think about what we could do, I have been this whole time, it's just that there isn't anything we can do.

"Varay, can I suggest something?" She nodded her head towards me. "Without knowing what is happening at the Floating Fortress, it is important that we survive as long as we can here, so I think it would be best if Bairon came out here, and we call our troops back into the city, and the Lance fight together, and wipe them out."

She thought about what I said, if all troops were in the city, it would give us a better defense against their real army, and I am sure that if the Lances fought together against these prisoners, we could win.

"No." Varay answered. "It's too risky, if we do that, pull our troops back, and then we can't hold them off, we will lose this battle for sure, and possibly a Lance or two. It's working for now, their numbers haven't dropped, but they can't do it forever."

"We can't either." I said. "We need to change something soon, or we will end up losing this battle." I didn't have any other ideas, knowing that sooner or later I would be leaving to fight Nico if he shows up, which he should. "Maybe two Lances at a time, spreading them out though so they are on either end of the field."

"Arthur, just stick with the plan." Varay told me, and I went to say some more, but she went on. "Let it be, we don't want to change how things are going right now, if one of the Lances falls, at least two of us will still be alive, but if two go in at once, and both die, only one will remain."

'She's right, but wrong at the same time.' Sylvie thought to me, and I agreed. She was basically saying that a Lances life was far greater than a whole division of soldiers, which I guess in the sense of war, it is, but we are going to lose this war today. 'Just wait, there isn't anything we can do anymore, but wait.'

'I know, it just sucks, Sylvie.' I thought back to her, and then spoke to Varay. "Alright, I'm sorry, I was just trying to help, that is all." She shot me a head nod in understanding.

"It's fine, I understand." She said, I was curious though, we kept talking and thinking about where Veer might be. If he fought Cadell and won, I don't know if I would be mad or happy, I wanted to be the one to take him down, but if he did it, I guess it is fine too. "Aya's turn should be up soon, it has been about forty five minutes, then I'll head out."

My Beginning After the End DownfallOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora