It's time to Recruit

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Seris Vritra

"Seris!" Virion yelled as he stepped into the living room where I was resting. "How are you doing today?" He asked, taking a seat beside me on the couch, tilting his head as he examined me.

"I'm good, Virion, how was your walk with Fenyir?" I asked, looking at him as he turned his attention to the board game on the table before us. Cylrit was outside preparing the shield and power source, it was almost time.

"It was fine." He told me, then turned his attention back to me. "Seris, umm, there is something I need to tell you." I looked at him questioningly, knowing that this child could say literally anything. "I think it's time to talk to Caera."


"Yeah, a clone is going to talk to Arthur, let him know what has happened, what he should do, things like that, and I think it would be for the best if Caera learns of everything as well." He told me, shrugging. "That's only if you are okay with it though, otherwise I won't tell her anything."

"Virion, why would you tell her anything? I know we talked about this before, she eventually joining me, but why now?" I asked, trying to understand what is going on in this kid's mind.

"Because if I'm dead, we are going to need her a little earlier." He paused, looking at me with a smirk. "Your plan is for Arthur, Grey in Alacrya, which you know, to fight Cylrit and win, right? We discussed this?"

"Yeah, and you told me that he is going to kill Cadell instead, which I don't think he'll be able to." I told him, but he didn't falter, the look of confidence and amusement was still there. "It doesn't matter what Arthur does, why would we tell Caera?"

"It's simple, I'm limited on clones now, so I am being cautious with how I am using them." He started off, then added. "I am going to need her to do something for me while the Victoriad is going on, it'll be better if she does it, I'll be, let's say, watching the entertainment the entire time."

"What do you want her to do?" I asked, looking at the boy. "I like Caera, I don't need you risking her life for no reason, so it better be worth it." He nodded his head, seeming to understand what I was telling him.

"You see, Seris, obviously all the Scythe's will be there, and well, Arthur wants Cadell dead, and I want Dragoth dead." He paused for a second, smiling as he thought about something. "What's better than killing one Scythe?"

"Killing two, but how would Caera help you with this?" I shook my head, then spoke up. "You could go up and kill Dragoth yourself, there is no need for her to get involved."

"Hahha." He shook his head. "No, no, you are thinking too small, I'm going to kill all the Scythes before the people, every single one." My eyes widened. "Except for you, and this is where Caera will come into play." He was insane, that wouldn't be possible. "Seris, with your mist magic, and Caera's soulfire, we can fake your death."

"You want to kill every single Scythe before the people?" I asked, and he nodded his head. "Virion, that is, that isn't possible, not if it isn't the real you." He rolled his eyes. "You think your twelve clones can take us one?"

"Seris, you've known me for a while now, you think I don't have everything figured out by now?" Virion looked at me, no emotion on his face now. "I know exactly what I'm going to do, I'll handle everything, but I need Caera to focus on killing you, not killing you, but making it seem like you are dead, that's the most important thing."

"I understand, but killing Melzri, Viessa, and Dragoth won't be easy." I told him, and then shook my head. "I don't want you to do this, change your plan up, it's too risky." I could see that he didn't like this comment, but as he leaned back, it was obvious he was thinking of something else.

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