Retrieve the Devil

888 62 23

Seris Vritra

"Was it wise to allow him to leave?" My Retainer asked me, but he knew I didn't want that. We stood there, in the middle of my lab, and I placed the device I was working on down and turned to him.

"Of course, I didn't want him to leave, but if I would have fought him to make him stay, he would have resented us." I told my Retainer. "I wanted to make sure the boy was treated with respect so that we could stop him from going down the path he was on, if we would have forced him to stay, he might have killed us."

"But now Agrona might capture him." Cylrit said. "Scythe Cadell, Scythe Dragoth, Mawar, and Nico are all there, you think he can survive that?" I shook my head looking at him.

"No, he wouldn't survive fighting them all right now, but he won't have too, there are plenty of strong fighters in Etistin, none who can down a Scythe or Retainer, but enough to buy Virion time to wreak havoc." He could probably take on one Scythe at a time, I doubt he could take on two or three.

"Arthur Leywin is also there." Cylrit added. "He is a force to be scared of as well." I nodded, agreeing, he had a lot of potential too. "Lady Sylvie is there, Virion's girl, Arthur's bond, a dragon, she is also fierce."

"Yes." I said simply, feeling one of my top maids coming down here with news of the battle I was assuming. "Virion was only fighting you with shadow magic, and truth be told, he was winning, so I wouldn't be surprised if he was able to hold own against two or three Scythes now."

I could see the look of surprise on my Retainer's face. "Even you?" I nodded. "I guess that's why we want him here, and don't want him to become like Agrona." The maid stopped at the door like she usually does, and I looked to Cylrit, and he walked over to the door, feeling what I did.

He slowly made his way there, and then opened the door, the maid bowed, and I spoke up. "Come in, Fenyir." My top maid walked in, looking at me with respect, stopping in front of me, Cylrit walked past her, and stood where he was before. "Do you have news on the battle?"

"I do." She said simply, the look in her eyes told me something was wrong, she had the report from Teagrin Caelum. "Sylvie Indrath was killed by Scythe Dragoth." I usually try to hide my reactions in front of my people, but I couldn't hold back this one, my eyes widened, and she continued. "Lance Virion Leywin took on Scythe Cadell and Scythe Dragoth, almost killing both, but they retreated before anything happened, Lance Virion did the same."

"What?" My Retainer said, speaking up before I did, I shot him a look, and he backed up, I knew he was surprised just as I was, so I turned back to Fenyir, and motioned for her to continue.

"The Wraiths sent to the Floating Fortress were all killed as a clone of Lance Virion blew it up with them inside." Fenyir added, the boy killed five Wraiths, that is remarkable, he really is clever. "Then the report ended with, the war is over, Dicathen is now under Vritra law, and Scythe Viessa has taken the role of Regent of the continent."

I took in the information, then nodded my head. "Alright." I said to Fenyir. "You can leave, thank you, I'll send word to Agrona later." She bowed once again, and then left the lab. "It appears as if Virion is going down the path, we did not want him to go down." I said, turning to Cylrit, if Lady Sylvie was dead, the girl he was in love with, I'll be surprised if he was sane.

"If she is dead, we are in trouble." Cylrit spoke up, and I nodded. "What should we do now? You didn't account for Lady Sylvie's death, with that, I don't see how he'll ever come back with us." I looked away from him, trying to think, trying to figure out what we should do now.

"Nothing will change." I said, turning back to him. "We still need him here, Agrona wanted you in Dicathen originally, I'll have you go and retrieve him." If only Virion left a clone here, hmm, actually, he might have, and we just don't know. "The only issue is that he will want to stay and protect his family now that Sylvie is dead."

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