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Virion Leywin

I sat there, alone, allowing the water to rush against my feet, my mind just replaying Sylvie's death over and over again, the image of her slung up on Dragoth's sword, it was impossible to stop, every time I pushed the memory away, it came back.

It's been a week since the battle in Etistin, a lot has been going on, my clones are rampaging, my army is being built, a lot of things are going on. I found Gideon, but my clone is heading in that direction now, he hasn't rescued him yet, I'll have to teleport to him when he retrieves Gideon.

I kicked my feet in the water, then took a deep breath, feeling the calmness in the air, the bunker was silent right now, it was like five in the morning, I couldn't sleep because I was having nightmares.

"Hades." I said out loud and my bond came out of my shoulder and landed on the ground to my right, he was in his small serpent form now. "Is there any progress on project hive mind?" I didn't have a name for it, but I think Hades knew what I was talking about.

"Nope." He responded. "The spell just isn't working, even when the clones insert your blood, the person just ends up dying, it is the same issue you had when you tried manipulating the molecular structure of the blood."

"Yeah, except, all I want is to make them obedient, I want to be able to mind control them." I told him, and the serpent side eyed me, I turned to him and waved my arms. "What? Isn't that the best option right now? You know why I am trying to do it, it should work, I think, I mean, without it, the Blood Legion I am building will only have blood mana beast and blood clones with some Dicatheon soldiers that want to serve me."

"Yeah, but wouldn't you rather have soldiers who want to serve you, rather than ones you can control?" I looked at Hades, wondering why an Alacryan would want to serve me? "I do get it, you want to build an army that has both Alacryan and Dicatheons in it, but you also want to be better than Agrona."

"Honestly." I said, standing up, looking away from the water and into the city. "At this point, I don't care if I am better than him or not, I just want to kill him and his little pets, well, not all his pets, but you are right." I turned back to my bond. "I don't want to be a ruler like him, but I'll do what I must to win."

"Fine." Hades said, and I started walking down the stream. "Well, when we figure it out, you'll be the first know." I rolled my eyes after he said, of course, I'll be the first to know, I am the clone, I have its memories and thoughts in my own head, that's why I need to create this other spell. I had too many clones inside of my head, I couldn't keep it up or my mind would break to the point where I couldn't use it anymore from all the voices.

I needed to find a way to control people without them actually knowing, or them knowing, but doing it anyways. It was a mind control spell, that was the truth, I shouldn't lie about it, I was trying to control people's minds.

"I get it." Hades said, slithering next to me. "Ehh, I guess it doesn't matter." I slid my hands into my cloak, allowing it to look like I had no arms as I kept them within it. "You know they are going to try to capture you when you go to Etistin?"

"Really, Hades?" I said, looking forward. "You live inside of my body, you are able to read my mind, you know what I know." I told him with an annoyed tone. "Of course, I bloody know they are going to try to capture me."

"I was just making sure, jeez, someone is a little cranky." He said, and I shot a black spike towards his head. "Woah!" I ignored him and kept on walking. "You are no fun anymore."

"Oh, I'm sorry, the image of the girl I loved dying keeps replaying in my mind over and over again, am I supposed to be all happy and cheerful?" I shrugged. "You know what I am feeling right now, I am just having a hard time with everything."

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